I wanted to be like you // peter parker

939 19 23

tw: death
word count: 641
takes place: alternative endgame
notes: not exact, but this is how I imagined it pls don't kill me

It was amazing, as if everyone's prayers had been answered. All of the fallen heroes and heroines, the armies of allies, everyone they thought they had lost, brought back with Bruce's snap.

Everyone was back.

Everyone was back and they were going to defeat Thanos as a team, because, at this point, they were all Avengers. Each and every one of them were.

Steve, who with Thor's help, had weakened Thanos and now he battlefield was a huge game of hot potato with the gauntlet.

Nobody knew how the gauntlet had ended up with Peter, but they were horrified. All eyes on the arachnid-hero.

The boy stood opposite the titan, mask off, looking the purple alien dead in the eye.

"Young one."

"Don't call me young one, you stupid," Peter took a step forward, "purple," he smiled deviously, "grape."

Peter tossed the glove aside. Thanos instantly breaking eye contact with the boy for the second the hero required.

"You puny child. What have you done with them?" Thanos muttered.

"Oh did you mean," Peter waved his hand around, wincing, "these?"

The stones, implanted in Peter's suit, shone brightly against the small amount of sunlight visible through the thick clouds.

The titan's eyes widened.

It physically pained Peter to just carry them on the suit and he couldn't imagine the unbearable pain to come when he would snap and wish away Thanos and his army.

"Peter, no!" The voice was Carol's, but that was the last thing he could even think about at the moment.

His current goals: to rid the world of Thanos and his army and do whatever it takes to save the others.

Peter lifted his hand slightly. It was shaking because, well, he was terrified, but he had to do it.

"Peter, stop!" This time it was Pepper, the woman who Peter had always admired from a distance. In his opinion one of the most important people in Tony's life.

"Peter, please!" Tony's voice was what broke him.

Tears streamed down his cheeks and he looked up to the titan.

"You are a good hero, young one. Strong willed and more than willing to die to protect those you love. You are compassionate. You are worthy of wielding the stones, but, young one, not physically prepared." Peter's eyes sparkled and he let a scream rip through his throat as he snapped his fingers.

That was it. He did it. Thanos and his army were gone, reduced to ashes, just like he had been.

And Peter? He had collapsed, sitting upright against something, he didn't know what. His arm? Destroyed. His body? Pained. His face? Charred. Him? Getting increasingly tired.

Tony was the first to the boy's side. Clint had bolted towards the boy once he had registered what had happened.

"Pete. Oh god, kid. Kid, look at me." Tony was frantic.

"Mr. Stark?"

"Yeah. Yeah, it's me. What the hell were you thinking?"

"I just wanted," Peter let out a feeble cough, blood dripping forming a thick, red stream out of the corner of his mouth. "I just wanted to be like you."

Tony broke, letting out a soft cry.

"You did it. You won, Pete. You saved us." Tony glanced behind him to all of the heroes'. He shook his head. "You saved us all."

"Peter, we're going to be okay. It's okay now." Clint's words, carefully chosen, were soft and quiet.

"Mr. Stark I'm tired." Peter whispered.

Tony's body shook, he was sobbing.

"Sleep, kid. We'll be alright." Tony whispered back.

Peter let his heavy eyelids fall closed as he bid a mental farewell to all of his fellow heroes. His eyes closed for the last time and all the muscles in his face, which were previously clenched in discomfort, fell relaxed and he let out a soft puff of breath which was his last.

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