one last call // hawksilver

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tw: semi-graphic imagery, death
takes place: idfk, somewhere where pietro is dating clint and clint never had to not see that coming in aou and J.A.R.V.I.S. is still kicking
word count: 1423

Clint shouldn't have taken the solo mission. Usually he would bring Nat with him, but he didn't want to put anyone else in too much danger, so he went without backup. He was starting to really regret his mistake.

There had been a call up in Canada, something about a minor villain causing trouble in Toronto, so Clint took it. Usually he was good at these things, key word usually.

He was down, losing blood quickly. He had taken the villain down with a fight, but he had been shot in the process.

He had taken a shot to the gut. He knew it would be fatal, seeing there was nobody around except for the villain, who was securely trapped. The police were on their way to detain the man, but Clint knew they wouldn't make it in time to save him.

Clint's vision was clouded. His eyes were pained and his breaths were ragged.

"Pietro," he gasped out, "Jar, call Pietro, please." The archer sucked in a deep breath.

Right away, sir.

The phone ring a couple times before Clint heard Pietro's voice.

"What do you want, old man?" The silver-haired man asked. Clint could hear his smile and knew he was joking.

"I just, uh, just called to say I love you more than anything. Please don't forget that." Clint tried to keep the pained tone out of his voice.

"How cute," Pietro snorted, "wait, aren't you on a mission right now?" The man asked. The question was kind of sudden, but Clint didn't bother to question it, seeing as his time was limited.

"Yeah. Yeah, I am." Clint replied, stifling a groan.

"Clint, are you okay? You're worrying me." Pietro's usually cool demeanor was beginning to vanish, panic was mixed into his voice.

"Hey, hey. Calm down, kid. I just wanted to tell you I love you." Clint's already-ragged breathing became sharper, at this point they were shallow gasps rather than breaths.

"Clint, babe, what's happening? Please, babe, you're scaring me." Clint could tell that Pietro was freaking out on the other end of the line.

     "It's nothing, really, I just wanted to hear your voice." Clint murmured. One last time, Clint thought.

     "Okay, okay. Sure. Do you want me to just, uh, keep talking?" Pietro asked. It had become clear to the silver-haired man that something was indeed wrong and that Clint wasn't going to tell him what was happening.

     "Uh, yeah, yeah that's cool. How was your day?" The blond man asked, struggling to keep his eyes open.

     "It was good. Peter stole one of Tony's credit cards and took Wanda and I to the mall, that was pretty fun." Pietro chuckled. Peter had probably done something stupid to make the twins laugh.

     "That, that's cool. Did Tony catch Peter?" Clint asked, trying to keep Pietro talking so he didn't have to.

     Clint couldn't see anything. He knew his sense of taste would be next to go, which wouldn't be a problem to him as all he could taste was the lingering metallic of blood wafting through the air. He knew he was dying quickly, so he just let the man keep talking to him through the earpiece.

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