cherry chapstick // scarletwidow

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tw: none
word count: 266

Wanda was doing her makeup at the counter in the kitchen, which wasn't unusual. She was chatting with Natasha while Pietro made breakfast.

Natasha had asked the twins if they had enjoyed their trip to the mall with Peter.

"It was cool. Peter said there were bigger ones, but I don't see how that's possible because that one was huge." Natasha laughed at Pietro's response.

"How about you, Wanda? Get anything cool while you were out?" The redhead asked.

"Yeah, Peter showed me a place called Ulta. He said that's where you went for your makeup. I got new mascara and this neat new chapstick." She pulled out a tube of chapstick. "It tastes like cherries!" The girl exclaimed.

     Natasha smiled as the girl applied the chapstick to her near perfect lips. "Can I try it?" Natasha asked.

"Of course!" The girl smiled. She held out the tube to Natasha.

Natasha gingerly grabbed the girl's chin, moving forward and connecting their lips.

     Natasha let go a second later, licking her lips.

     "You're right, it really does taste like cherries." She smiled brightly.

     The girl was much too flustered to speak.

     "What she means to say is I know right. Oh, and she wants to know if you'd like to go out tonight, like, on a date." Pietro spoke for his flustered sister. She whipped her head towards him a gaped.

     "Absolutely, I'll pick you up at your room at seven. Do wear that chapstick, cherry tastes good on you." Natasha smiled sweetly and pranced out of the room, leaving a flustered Wanda and a beaming Pietro.

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