the office // ironstrange

585 16 9

tw: none
word count: 164
highschool au

Stephen Strange wasn't usually the kid who visited the administration office often, but he did as he needed. Now was one of those times.

Stephen was sitting in a stiff office waiting chair when a short boy walked in. The boy had tan skin, brown eyes, and dark brown hair. He was wearing sunglasses even though it was against school rules to wear them inside without prescription. He wore a dirty AC/DC shirt, Stephen didn't know what the stain was, but it looked like there was no attempt made to get the stain out.

The boy sat down in the chair next to Stephen.

"What are you in for?" The boy asked.

"Oh, they wanted to know if I could miss my classes tomorrow to run sound and lights for a presentation in the auditorium. You?" Stephen replied.

"I stabbed a kid with a screwdriver." The boy replied.

"Ah, I see. We lead very different lives." Stephen chuckled.

"Mhm." The boy hummed.

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