Dare to leave my hand!

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with the help of his detectives, he found anika's residence and moved towards the house while forcefully holding anika's hand. anika tried to protest but he wasn't ready to leave her hand for any cause. he asked his bodyguards to wait at the doorstep and went inside along with anika. he opened the house and found it's empty without any source of entertainment. he understood but anika jerked off his hand, led her way towards the couch and thuds on the couch. shivaay didn't disturb her and straightly went to the rooms, searched for her passport. at last, found it in her cupboard, along with that 6 month's baby's dress fallen off from the cupboard to his hand. 

shivaay becomes literally weak on seeing that dress. clearly shown how much pain she would deal lonely in these 2 years and he also thanked the god to appear her back in his life. he took that folded into four and kept it inside his pocket. he relaxed and moved outside to see her. by then, she dozes off and slept in the couch. he didn't wake her up because he wanted to see her in peace rather than thinking the past and punishing herself. he sat on the floor and tugged her hair behind the ears while slightly brushing her whole face. he was about to kiss her cheeks but stopped thinking that it may disturb her sleep. his gaze moved towards her empty fingers. and think about the most special moment in his life when she completely trusted him and revealed her past to him. 

one fine day anika messaged him to meet her in the Juhu beach, the time was about to knock the midnight. shivaay slightly become anxious about seeing her message, he prepared one surprise for anika that night in her home, but he himself becomes shocked to get the message from her. he quickly took his keys and drove his way towards the Juhu beach and spotted anika sitting in a cement slap and staring the sparkling Arabian sea. she continuously took many deep breaths which conveyed shivaay about her impatient mind. 

he went towards her side and sat next to her while pinching her left shoulder, she hissed in pain. and hit him on his hand with a curve smile in her face, but that smile didn't come from her heart. he decreased the distance between them and wrapped his arms around her shoulders without even knowing the reason behind her sudden disturbance. she raised her head and smiled at him.

"how could you guessed this is what i needed right now?" - anika asked him in a confusion.

"it strikes right here!" - he pointed his finger towards his heart.

"mister, i am your girlfriend now... so stop using these cheesy lines" - she said in a normal tone.

"your smiley face conveyed me... you needed me the most right now... how can i stay away from you?"  - he said while placing her face on his chest and made her listen to his heartbeat. she chuckled.

"what happened? why are you so sad?" - he asked while caressing her arms.

"nothing" - her voice choked and she broke the hug immediately and sat comfortably.

"tell me what happened?" - he asked again, she turned her face and not ready to show his tears to him. he immediately intertwined his hand with her and pulled it to his heart.

"don't avoid me like this... it's paining..." - he said, where she turned her face to him. 

"what happened? why are you crying?" - he asked her while wiping her tears.

"let's end it..." - she said in a choking voice which shook him for a while.

"what... what i can't get it?" - shivaay asked her in a confusing tone, even his mind knew what she meant but his heart was not ready to believe her words.

"our relationship... let's end it here... right now" - she said in a crying tone where tears flowed uncontrollably from her eyes. his heartaches and he was sure in another hand that she was also going in the path like him. 

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