Intolerable decisions of life.

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Everything seems to be very happy for anika and shivaay but both become an expert when it comes to the secret, shivaay kept her away from getting her knowing about Shivani whereas anika didn't allow him to know anything about her pregnancy complications. but neeti was trying her level best. anika simply has hope on neethi, nothing else she can except. 

what are you watching? - shivaay asked her when anika saw sleeping shivanya unblinkingly. 

nothing just wondering... how cute she is?... sometimes I really want her to grow up fastly and at the same, while I also wanted her like this with me forever... in short, I neither want her to leave nor I want to leave her... I wish i can change everything... - anika blabbered everything while caressing shivanya's hair. 

hey, what happened? why are you talking like this? did neeti tell anything? you are in some other world... tell me what happened? - shivaay sat next to her and enquired. 

nothing... maa... told everything is under control but I think because of my mood swings...  - anika managed to say where shivaay seems to be convinced but in his heart, he wasn't.

shivaay... I want a promise from you... do it without even raising the question... - anika asked him.

tell me... - shivaay asked while caressing her palm. 

I don't know why I am asking this... i know you love me a lot but if anything happens to me, don't lose hope in your life... everything changes... forget change is the constant... you even find a good life partner better than me... - anika stops abruptly in the middle when shivaay stood up from his place in frustration.

mood swings have gone to your head... - shivaay whispers.

shivaay... nothing like that... i just want to say you this... what if anything happens to me? - anika uttered.

SHUT UP, ANIKA... - he thundered. she jerked in shock, he understood it's because of her mood swings but he neither wanted to hear those words. he felt like dying when he heard those words from her. she looked at him at a shocked reaction as he didn't raise his voice in the short span of togetherness. 

i am sorry... i shouldn't have spoken with you like that... but please yaar, don't talk with me like this... you know it has been hell without you... i felt like dying but i stopped seeing shivanya and her condition...  - shivaay uttered while caressing her palms.

you have no idea anika... how these yea... i mean these months went without you... on one hand, i just want to pack my bags and search you personally but my responsibility didn't wait to stop me... 

i stopped, i paced myself, i tried to heal myself, but i failed every time... you know i love you more than you imagine... but one sentence didn't fail to frighten me... too much of anything good for nothing... please anika... don't let my fears come true even in my dreams... please... i am pleading you... i accept the defeat, i can't imagine my life without you... please.

he cried while keeping his head on her palms which again woke anika from her deep sleep. she thought she don't want to betray her child by not heading for abortion. she wants to be a good mother but what about the promises she did to shivaay. she can't even see his pleading state even in her dreams. but her words put him at that state. she got afraid of what if he comes to know about her condition in real. 

"hey..." - anika called him after a long gap. he didn't raise his head from her palms.

"today! me, anika shivaay Singh Oberoi... took one decision..." 

"wherever life takes us, wherever situation i put into... i am assuring you one thing, i will always choose you even it against my wishes or even... this baby or shivanya..." - anika said, shivaay raise his head and looked at her surprisingly.

"i know the weight of these words, but it's true... even it between our children and you... i will choose you... because you know not only you, even i can't see you suffering without me... and i am sorry... for hurting you..."

he nodded no and kissed her forehead and made her sit comfortably. 

"now, chill... whatever can happen to us already happened... nothing else left... now sleep..." he said. 

"you too..." - she said while forwarding her arms. he smiled, went and hugged her tightly.

sorry shivaay for hiding this important thing to you... but as i already said, i will never let anyone separate you from me... i love you and... - her thoughts struggled to express when she was about to touch her tummy and feel her child, she felt herself in disgust when she took a decision as a wife rather as a mother. she felt like cheating her own blood for which she fought against the whole world talks, but she decided to give up for her husband. her shoulder went weak when she saw her baby bump on the mirror adjacent to the bed. she closed her eyes tightly and wished to have her baby and shivaay together but whatever meant to happen should happen. we neither have any choice on that. she even resisted her tears from coming out. 

"Hey, are you alright..." shivaay sensed her.

"fine..." - she replied in a normal tone.

"craving for something?" - shivaay asked her.

"yes... you..." - she replied.

"for a lifetime..." - he said and kissed her forehead.






"shivaay, mumma called for the checkup... so i am leaving..." - anika lied where shivaay was still sleeping.

"whaat?" - shivaay asked her while yawning. she came to her side and sat next to him. 

"yup... got a call from mom... i have to go..." - she said while kissing his forehead.

"gimme 5 mins... i will come with you..." - he said.

"no need, it's just a normal check-up... you said you are having a meeting today right..."- she replied.

"that's not the priority" - he said.

"come on... i will come back... you stay with shivanya... if she woke up, tell her i will come within 30 minutes..." - anika said and left.

"ok, fine... and don't forget to take care of yourself" - shivaay said.

"yup..." - anika said and left without turning back. he felt weird but he consoled himself.

he lazily got out of his bed and went straightly to the washroom, came back while ruffling his hair with a towel by then he saw shivanya waken up and searching for anika here and there.

"papa... aika?" - shivanya asked shivanya.

"mumma went outside, she will come back within minutes... now come to papa... let's go downstairs..." - he said while widening his hands for shivanya. she lazily came and hugged him while resting her head on his shoulders.

"shall we freshen up, first?" - shivaay asked shivanya.

"no" - she said instantly.

"come na... baby, that's not a good habit..." - he said and unwillingly took shivanya to the washroom. 

"come, let's learn how to brush?" - he said while placing little shivanya before the mirror. he took the brush and taught her how to brush step by step where shivanya observed carefully. she heard rudy voice soon after she brushes. she ran to him. shivaay nodded in disbelief and went outside. In the process of freshening up shivanya, his clothes got wet. he unknowing opened anika's wardrobe rather than his. a pile of clothes fell on his head along with a file.

he took the file and opened it. In no time he called his friend who is a gynecologist. 

"yaar, what is meant by preeclampsia?" - he asked.

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