Another chance.

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did my pain reach her? shivaay asked himself before talking or responding anything further. and he still amazed how her touch didn't fail to soothe his wound, but he don't want to get relieved. he wanted to relieve her from her thought. he don't want to loose this opportunity to relax her from the wound which was a very deep cut in her heart. he held her waist and pulled her more into him.

"don't know, why i am living in this world?" - she whispered while burying her face in his neck crook. he was stunned because as far he knew his wife, she never talks about ending her life at any cost, instead, she has the personality to challenge her life. Anger rages in his vain, hearing those words which he never wants to hear at any cost. In a fear of losing her, he pulled her more into him. 

"The reason is me, i am the only reason behind your existence" - shivaay said and failed to control his tears, it reaches her side hair through his cheeks. she hugged, even more, tighter than him. physically, it's very difficult for them to breathe but their wounds are healing because of this proximity.

"How can you suppose to love me this much?" - she whispered, most of the words are mixed with her breath but shivaay felt week on his knees but instead of answering he wanted to show her position in his heart. he started to kiss from hairline to neckline, he usually does to comfort her.

"Because i saw the reason behind my existence in you" - shivaay said, those words are enough to anika to come back to him? she was thinking for a while before raising her head and look at him with her pleading eyes. he looked at her, her forehead hits his chin. he raises down his gaze to see her but only heard her sobs. it hurt him to the core and pushing him away from his objective to talk to her heartfully.

before he could start, she started... "you worked as a waiter in that restaurant because of me" she said along with her sobs. shivaay loosened his grip slightly but didn't let her go away from him. because he intentionally hid that from her. she was pregnant by that time and needed complete bedrest, so he lied that he got a job in a start-up but in reality, he was working as a waiter in that restaurant. he don't want to bother her and also don't want to take the entire blame on her head.

"shivaay... please let me go..." - she cried again telling him to flee her from his love. but he never gonna do that, she knew but then too she tried to pass current on the insulator.

"at least, i was happy and living then..." - he finally said and replied all her questions in that answer. he was happy and living with her. she raised her head and looked at him, slightly increasing the distance between them.

"but now, despite having everything i am feeling dead and depressed only shivanya and her smile keeping me going..." - he said while tears flowing over his pink cheeks. anika heart hung on seeing his tears, she forgets about her pain at that spot and hell cared about wiping his tears from his eyes. she raised her hand and tried to wipe it off but he stopped.

"let it flow... now you can able to feel, how i would have felt when i see you in this condition after 2 long years" - words uttered from his mouth. she remained lost and her ultimate aim was to wipe the tears as well as the pain from his heart. she keeps on jerking her hands and tried to flee her hand so that she could wipe his tears. he pressed her wrist tightly so that she can't able to move her hand upward. 

"you know i can't see you like this!" - anika said putting her grief and everything aside. he looked at her with those teary eyes, their eyes met where he wanted to throw everything which was bothering her to an extent.

"even i am... " - he said and it reached her spontaneously. she looked at her tear flowing eyes. she tried to release her hand but he wasn't ready to leave her. In that process, she moved closer to him. he finally released her hand, but instead of wiping his tears, she brought her hand on the backside of his head and pushed it towards her lips. his lips hit her lips and she opened her sealed lips and initiated it. she closed her eyes tightly and trying to flee herself from the pain, somehow it helped her and she also succeeded in wiping his tears off from his eyes. 

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