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That's right, I'm falling.

Before I get into that... it all happened like a vicious storm, really. I could jump into all of what I'm about to tell you, but there are some things worthy of noting. I'm not who you think I am. I'm not a normal person by any means.

My name is Xander, and I'm a vampire. Yeah, I know. Cliché, right? I'm not the sexy, pale type of vampire that you see in those Twilight movies, or the other cliché types of series where they're all reserved and sexy. Yeah, I'm not like that at all.

I could jump into all of these events, but as I said, it really happened in just a snap of a finger. I'm also extremely gay. Like, honestly though, I'm not the "OH MY GAWD YASSS QUEEN!" type of gay, though.

I couldn't say that I totally enjoyed everything that happened to me in the short run. In the long run, though, it all worked out in the end.

I realize that I'm being blunt, but that's me. A smack to the face, really. That's how most of the people in my life were, really. To the point, with no regard for mine, or anyone's feelings.

"Xander the loser".

"Xander the freak".

"Xander... the f****t".

Yes, that was my life growing up with a family who never regarded me for who I was. School wasn't much different from home. I had one real friend, though, who could makeup day brighter.

CeCe was her name. Notice how I said "was". No, she wasn't dead... I don't think, at least. There's a large gap in life where I don't remember a single thing. After I was turned, CeCe stopped turning up at my place. Stopped school all together.

Then, that's when I stopped physically aging. It started when I was around twenty years old. It really does suck watching your friends grow older, and eventually die off. Especially the ones who mean the world to you.

I still worry about CeCe, but, it eventually just... slipped my mind. Like most things seem to do these days.

Things... escalated from there though. After successfully isolating myself from the rest of the world, life became much worse. I pay my bills and have a small job, but at the cost of having no social life.

One particular night, though, is something that I'll never forget. It's the night that I met my worst enemy, and the night that I met the love of my life.

This, my friends, is my story on how one man led me down a nightmarish road, for the worst, and for the better.

Falling, Fallen  (BoyXBoy) ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now