Chapter Seven

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Chapter Seven

"So... what's your powers"? Asked Chey. Which totally caught me off guard.

"Uh.... what"? I asked, looking up at her. "That was really random and instant".

"You know". She said again, slightly more pushy. "Every vampire has a certain power of sorts that they use to obtain blood or to subdue prey".

I thought for a second. "Well, if it counts, I mimic the calls of a distressed animal, or I even mimic the voices of people. It's fun impersonating people".

Cheyanne paused and looked at me. "You are a mimicker"? She asked seriously. It made me suddenly uncomfortable.

"Uhm... yes"? I answered back nervously.

She narrowed her eyes on me, but ultimately continued walking. I continued looking at her, wondering what she meant. "Why"? I asked, which made her pause once again. "Why does it matter that I have the ability to mimic animals and humans"?

"Listen", Chey said while putting her finger to my mouth. "Remember the story I told you about Bram and the last vampire"?

I nodded suspiciously while maintaining eye contact.

"Well"... she continued on. "I have reason to believe that the same vampire that attacked and killed Bram's infant, is the very same one that may or may not have turned you. When a vampire bites, their fledgling often gets the very same powers which they possess. This is a big deal, Xander. There's a possibility that there's a link between you and that other thing".

My eyes widened immediately. I'd never thought of the origins and the link between my powers with anyone else.

"You said that the body disappeared earlier on". I quietly said while reliving my past. "Chey— what if that thing really is what turned me? Should I leave you guys? Should I just—

"Shush", Chey silenced me quietly. "You're not going anywhere, Xander. You're much different than the other vampire. You're no danger to us, and we know it. Promise me something. You won't tell anyone else about your powers".

I nodded quickly in compliance. Chey continued her stare at me, but then ushered me to Jerick's bedroom. I paused outside his door.

"What's wrong"? Chey asked while watching the struggle outside his door.

"I'm— just nervous about him", I managed to choke out while glaring at the door.

"He'll love it, hun", Chey countered while patting my back. "Remember what I said. He likes you for only you".

I couldn't counter that conversation. I knew deep down that Cheyanne was right about this whole thing. I knew that Jerick liked me. I knew that Jerick felt these things for me. I knew everything, yet didn't want to see it.

I pressed my hand on the door and looked back at Chey. "Thanks"! I squeaked our at her, giving an innocent face.

I breathed a long, slow breath, and pushed the door open.

He wasn't in the immediate vicinity, but the bathroom door was closed, and the light was showing under it. Jerick was showering.

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