Chapter Twelve

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Chapter Twelve

The envelope, along with the letter were on the table in the dining room. All of the pack were surrounding Jerick and I. I was forced to recount the story of the nightmare yet again, but also tell about how one just showed up out of thin air as soon as Jerick went to make the coffee for everyone.

I went back to shivering from fear, but never broke down. For one, this definitely wasn't a dream, and the pack was here to make sure nothing happened to me.

Bram entered the room.

"What's the meaning of this meeting?" Bram said in his usual demanding tone, looked at me, then the letter. "Boy, what's the meaning of this meeting?"

He was a bit more harsh this time, but I explained the whole story once again. His eyes went from a bright orange to a brown shade. Jerick had his arms resting on my shoulders.

"Bram"... Bruno interrupted the silence over the whole room. "This is rather serious. Don't you think it's a little odd to receive these letters in a dream, and then get them in real life?"

Bram didn't say much, other than the fact that he sighed heavily, and picked up the parchment, examining the filament and the writing.

"It doesn't have a scent on it"... He countered, a little less harsh than before. "Boy——— I mean.... Xander.... what exactly did you see that was holding you in this nightmare?"

I couldn't tell him what I saw. It held me from looking at it. "I couldn't see it. All I felt was a grip on my shoulders. It wasn't a normal grip though... it felt like wind, almost like it wasn't really there, but it was strong and I couldn't move. It— wanted me to... see all of you guys".

I trailed off, forgetting to say anything else. Bram sighed once more, and rubbed his eyebrows in deep concentration.

"It's not normal", Chey piped up from the crowd around me. "This is obviously some sort of supernatural creature that's targeting Xander".

"I know!" Bram shouted, causing a couple from the pack to flinch. He sighed once more. "He's being targeted by a Thuvud".

My heart sank. "A what?" I instantly countered. There were many questions that I had, but couldn't ask.

"Let me finish, Boy!" He screamed back. I sank as far as I could into my seat. "A Thuvud is a supernatural creature that remains invisible to the naked eye... it shape-shifts into surrounding objects. With that, there's specifically no scent to whatever they take the shape of. Hell... they can even shape-shift into air. Most importantly, they can even enter the mind of a vulnerable person, and show them their worst fears. Give them nightmares, or... even put them in trances".

He stopped talking. My mind was blown. In fact, everyone's mind was blown. It was a lot to process. Why, though, would a supernatural being go after me?

Jerick tightened his grip on me, and pulled me closer to his body.

"Well", Tina interrupted. "There has to be a way to stop such a thing. There's clearly a—

"Shush". Bram interrupted her as well. "It May be listening. You never know what or where it is. It could be perhaps watching us as we speak", he said mysteriously said, looking around the room.

The hair on my neck stood up. Another cool breeze came over me. I jumped slightly, and whispered in my boyfriend's ear. "Did you feel that?"

He lifted an eyebrow, and shrugged his shoulders. "No... I didn't".

I felt the gripping of his hand tighten around my waist. "Bram"... Jerick interrupted his small conversation with Bruno. "Xander just felt a cold breeze as you mentioned this creature possibly watching us as we speak".

"So"... Bram subtly countered, "This thing really is watching us. Xander, you really are lucky. This thing could have destroyed your mind, yet it somehow strayed from doing so".

"It would be too easy". I spat while shivering, gaining the attention of all the werewolves. "The creature could have taken over my mind, but it would be too easy. It's already messing with me, and feeding me nightmares to try and drive me nuts. I feel as if it's all just a sick game".

Chey lowered her eyes. "It is. I feel as if it's fucking with you, because you're the oddball here. A room full of werewolves, and you're the lone vampire. I mean, why else would this be happening?"

Tina stepped behind Chey and wrapped her arms around her wife. I also didn't know they were married. I thought them two were just partners.

Bruno did the same to Antonio. There seemed to be a lot of LGBT couples within the pack.

Grant perked his ears when he noticed all the couples holding each other, including Jerick and I. "Am I the only straight motherfucker here?!" He practically shouted, looking at all of our partners holding each other.

"You're just jealous", Jerick mumbled beside my ear. "You gotta find someone sexy like my little vampy"... He trailed off, nuzzling my neck.

Grant made a gagging face with his finger and poured. "Yeah. No thanks".

"Okay guys", Antonio erupted while snapping his fingers. "This is serious. We can't get too off topic. Our goal is to help Xander with his issue, remember?"

"I'm trying, Antonio", snarled Chey. "We're all trying our hardest to help him. By the sounds of it, a Thuvud seems a little too difficult to capture with what we have".

"She's right", interrupted Bram. "I have a plan, but it requires a lot of dirty work".

"Let me guess, I'm going to be your pawn while y'all work to get this thing?" I stated bluntly, holding my face.

Bram snarled, but got silent. "That's— exactly what I was thinking".

"Don't you think that's a little dangerous?" Jerick piped up suddenly. "I mean... if we do execute this plan, will he be completely safe?"

"Jer... to be quite fair with you, I've never had the luxury of capturing a mythical creature as old as this planet". Bram stated sarcastically, smacking his hand on the table. "What other plans do you guys have? The way I see it, it's either this plan gets executed, or poor Xander goes to the 'coo-coo house'. I suggest you guys listen, and listen carefully".

Wow, Bram has never spoken that long, ever. Part of me wanted to understand Jerick, but the other part is sided with Bram.

He was right, though. What other option do we have.

"So"... I interrupted, slamming my hand in the table, making Bram jump and stare me up and down.

"When do we start?"



Sorry for the short length of the chapter, as well as the time it took to get this rolled out to y'all!!!!!

I was extremely busy, but I won't ever forget my loyal readers!!!! I wouldn't be doing this without you!

- P_M_Penders

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