Chapter Twenty One

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Chapter Twenty One

I woke up before Jerick did. His profuse sweating had coated the entire bedsheet. If I wasn't worried beforehand, I was now. I started shaking my boyfriend violently. "Jerick!" I yelled, as his eyes rolled open slowly. His breathing was rather labored. "Jerick! Are you okay? You've been sweating the entire night, and you've coated the entire bed... are you okay? Do you need a Doctor?"

He slowly scanned the bed, and noticed the situation I was talking about. "Oh", he whispered to himself. He was still tired, but his tone was much more serious. "I'll be back, Wait here". He jumped out of bed, still complete naked, and ran to the bathroom. I stood there in shock. I didn't know what was going on, but I shook it off, and grabbed some fresh laundered khaki shorts with a nice polo shirt.

"What the fuck?!" I heard Jerick scream from the other side of the door. I ran to it instantly, jiggling the door knob. It was locked, of course... "Babe!" I shouted back at him, pounding on the door. "Jerick, what's wrong?! Let me in". It sounded as if he was crying on the other end.

"Why?" I heard him silently mumble while crying in the other end. "Why is this happening to me..?" The door knob jiggled slightly, and it threw open. Jerick didn't look good, at all. He looked like he had a bad case of the flue. His eyes had dark circles under them, he was pale, and his body was shining with a coat of sweat.

"Jerick?" I stared up at his upset, yet comforting ocean eyes. "Babe, what's wrong? Please tell me". I ran a finger across his jaw and he winced slightly, as if I'd cut him. I jumped back in surprise.

"Xander"... Jerick finally said, as quietly as possible, while tearing up. "I'm——

He stopped talking, and pursed his lips closed. "You're what?" I bellowed, staring deep into his eyes with pure nervousness and curiosity. "Are you sick? Do I need to take you to the hospital?"

He shook his head instantly. A single tear shed from his eye. "Xander, I'm pregnant"...

"Oh", was all I could say. My mind was point blank. "You're"... I stopped again. "You're p—pregnant? H—how?"

"I— think I was entering my mating cycle last night... right when you decided to top me". There was a long silence. Jerick sat on the edge of the bed. His hands covered his own face. "I'm so sorry", he added. "I'm sorry I'm going to be such a burden, Xander. My hormones are going to be fucked it from now on, until the birth of", he paused, pointing at his abdomen.

"Jerick", I silently whispered, cupping his cheeks. "You're not a burden. It was always a dream of mine to have children with the man I loved some day. This wasn't how I planned it... but this is still something I always dreamed of. I'm ready to step up to the plate. Whatever it takes. We are gonna be the best fucking fathers on this planet!"

"You really mean that?" Jerick sniffled, looking less ashamed than before. "You'll stay with me? Through all of what happened already?"

"That's a horrible question to ask!" I stated boldly, showering him with kisses everywhere. I put my hand against his abdomen, and rubbed his belly. "We're going to work through this together. I'm... excited to be the other father of our soon-to-be child!"

Jerick blushed a dark red, and put his hand over mine, then proceeded to rub his belly as well.

"How should we break the news?" I asked, thinking of the other pack-mates. Most importantly, Chey and Tina. Those two would definitely be the most excited and supportive of it. As far as I knew...

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