Chapter Twenty Seven

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Chapter Twenty Seven

I unknowingly awoke from a sudden deep slumber; there was a giant pool of drool that had soaked into Jerick's blue sweatshirt. I tried smearing it to make the spot less noticeable, but it didn't work at all. My man chuckled and held a hand over the spot. He chuckled and rubbed my head.

"It's about time that you woke up," Jerick said with a slight twang to his vocals. "We've been sitting out here for an hour. I let Chey and Tina go inside while I waited for you to wake up." My mouth went slack slightly. He wiped left over drool from the corner of my cherry red lips with his thumb.

"You waited for me?" I squeaked and smelled his exhilarating scent. I loved every whiff of it. Jerick was amused, and nodded contently. "Of course! Why wouldn't I let you sleep?" he countered. I shrugged, and opened the car door. It was windy outside and it was pitch black, except for the lamp posts.

Jerick stepped from his side of the car, and waited for me to reach his torso. He snatched my hand, and pecked it with his lips. No matter how many stares that some shoppers of the mall would give us, we would ignore them and continue holding hands. At one point, Jerick even flipped an old man off.

I had remembered when the mall was being built. Seeing the bright lights and laughing children brought a smile to my face. I'd forgotten what it was like to be in public; it was surely half of my life, or so.

"Tell me when you see Chey," Jerick interrupted my cheerful thoughts. "She said to wait at the coffee stand for her and Tina." He placed a heavy, veiny hand on the marble counter of the coffee stand. An employee, surprisingly smaller than me peeked from behind a large brewing machine.

"Can I help you two?" The teenaged girl said. She was examining our exaggerated size difference, and slightly smiled when her eyes met our interlocked hands. The name tag read "Claire". Before Jerick answered her, he turned to me with questioning eyes.

"Do you want anything, babe?" he innocently an lightly added. I nodded cheerfully, and perked up to Claire. "Could I get just a regular coffee, with two cream and two sugar?" She nodded, and turned to my mate. "I'll get the same as Xander."

"I love the name!" Claire piped, while getting our designed cups ready. She was trying to make conversation with us, which I appreciated. "I like your name too!" I added, while reaching into my wallet to pull out a debit card. Jerick's strong hand stopped me from opening my wallet.

"No," he said, and proceeded to pull a giant roll of cash from his tattered black wallet. My eyes bulged from my sockets, as did Claire's. Jerick rifled through the money and handed her a hefty stack of it. Claire didn't know what to do with it; she only stared at it, eyes still wide.

"Uh— sir. This is way too much," she stammered. My boyfriend nodded agreeably. "Yes— I know. But the rest is your tip." Claire looked like she was going to burst into tears. "It's still so much money!" she squealed. I counted one thousand dollars in total.

"Just take it, I know you deserve it," Jerick smiled, and grabbed the finished coffees from the counter. We left Claire in a dumbfounded stance. She screamed "thank you" many times as we strolled from the stand in the middle of the mall.

"Why'd you refuse for me to pay?" I said to my hulking boyfriend. He kept his eyes ahead; holding the coffee in one hand, and the other clasped around my hand. "I refuse to make you pay for anything. I promised to buy you whatever you wanted tonight. You deserve it, Xander." I blushed and kissed a particular vein on his hand.

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