Chapter Twenty

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Chapter Twenty

Everyone stared at me like I grew ten extra heads at once. The feeling that I needed to vomit came sooner than expected. Before they could reply to my shocking revelation, I was already running for the bathroom. The familiar waves of many emotions hit me at once. They were mine this time.

Cecelia was an old friend, decades ago from our days in high school. She looked no older than twenty years old. Shame spread across my mind at once. How could I forget about her? I blamed myself completely for what happened. I let loose once again into the toilet.

Unfamiliar tears gathered within my eyes. Of course... exactly what I needed now. Puking and crying are a horrible combination. A slight tap came from the opposite side of the door. "Go away", I half mouthed, letting loose once more. "I need to be alone".

"Okay", Jan's delicate voice sighed, "We walked through the door just as you bolted for the bathroom. Just— checking on you". With that, he awkwardly shuffled away. There was a conversation taking place in the living room. Jerick, Tina, and Chey left the movie unpaused.

I wiped the drying tears from my eyes and cheeks. I forgot to mention that I put a little mascara on before the day. I always liked the gothic look. My eyes were bloodshot from everything that just happened. The mascara was now rubbed all over my face. I looked like death, and felt like death...

For the next hour and a half, no one else came to check on me. I was relieved, as I couldn't be bothered. Seeing an old best friend and completely forgetting who they are really takes a toll on you. We never fought. We just— stopped talking since I went missing, and returned, being not only a vampire, but a recluse.

I wiped my eyes once more, and glared at the flickering ceiling light. A great deal of things were annoying at the moment, but it didn't really matter at the moment. I still felt bad that I threw her away like she was a complete stranger to me.

All of the subtle hints that were dropped during CeCe's sudden appearance literally flew over my head. I knew I had to talk to her again. I pushed her away once, and won't let it happen again.

I thought for a moment. How would I talk to her? I could try to use my power to get in contact with her. But would it work when I couldn't see CeCe? For her to let me into her mind would be risky.

I took my chances, and let my eyes roll backward. It was worth a shot at trying to contact an old friend. I stalled... CeCe? Can you hear me?

There was a long gap. I knew that I couldn't just find her out of the blue. Perhaps, though, what if I were to use my memories of her in order to make it work? I thought harder, and deeper back to the past.

There was no response, but memories came flooding back to me. Horrible memories. I pulled myself back and closed my eyes. How— could I forget everything?

The words, "With power comes great responsibility." never seemed true to me. As of now, they were the most relatable words to live by. My powers, in fact, came with great consequences.

My body was a prime example. It took a toll on my health. I'd grow tired, and desperately more thirsty for the blood I never craved, unless I used my powers. Limitations and moderation were the answers. Tina and Jerick were right. It was cool and all, but it couldn't go to my head.

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