Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

The chatter on the other side of the door had long since stopped when Jerick and I stopped outside of it.

He turned to me with worry still in his eyes. "Are you ready for this"? Jerick said with concern, while looking down at me.

I sighed heavily, but nodded up at him. My heartbeat was still beating out of my chest from the dreaded anxiety.

Jerick pushed the door open. Immediately, all eyes were on me. I froze from the excessive amount of attention from everyone. He tugged me along with his arm hooked on me.

Snarls came from everywhere except Chey. She only looked at the both of us in complete concern regarding the snarls from the rest of the pack.

As I passed by each werewolf, I heard whispers from everyone.

"What's that thing doing here"?

"It's making eye contact with me"...

"They're even uglier in person".

Jerick sat me down in between him and Cheyanne. They both scooted close to me, as if keeping me safe between them.

That's when I locked eyes with the brute, but only for a split second. I remembered his words, telling me not to look at him. I glanced back down, trying to ignore his burning stare.

"Jerick... why do you still have that thing here"? Bram asked aggressively, while maintaining his searing eye contact. I ignored him the best I could.

Jerick put his hand on my back secretively, though Chey noticed. She shot me a quick grin before turning back to Jerick's and the Brute's conversation.

"I am keeping him here until he's fully healed". Jerick said civilly in a quiet voice.

Bram expressed an offended look on his face, with eyes growing darker and more furious. He raised his now balled fist, as if he was aiming for my nose. Jerick flinched at the gesture, and gripped my shirt in a reflex.

"Oh come on Bram"! Cheyanne piped up, directing all the other werewolves' attention on her. "Y'all can clearly see that this vampire isn't hurting anybody! Like seriously, he hasn't tried lunging at anybody at this table at all. Give the boy a chance"!

I flinched at that statement, as did Bram, with his furious gaze fixated on Chey.

"He's not hurting anyone", exclaimed Jerick. "In fact, the only one who unnecessarily hurt anyone here was you". He pointed to Bram with a butter knife between his index and middle finger.

I instinctively nodded at his statement, as did Cheyanne and one or two other members of the pack. There were about ten members in total from the view around the rectangular table.

Everyone else from the pack were still silent, and avoided eye contact with me.

"Those two are right, you know", piped a dainty, delicate voice from the same pack mate that nodded with their statements. "I mean, look at the thing. He's tiny, frail, and would be anywhere but here. He's definitely not hurting anybody".

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