Chapter Eleven

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Chapter Eleven

I rolled over uncomfortably. God... why the fuck did I think of drinking last night? I had the worst hangover I could ever imagine. I checked the phone that was on my bedside desk. It was 11p.m.

I rolled back over to see that Jerick wasn't in bed with me. I wondered, as I didn't feel his body heat radiating next to me. I was still dead ass tired, with a pounding headache.

It was still abnormal that my boyfriend wasn't in bed with me, especially at this time. It's unusual of him to be anywhere without me, or at least giving notice.

I almost fell the moment I lifted myself off of the bed. Luckily, the desk was there to catch me, right in the abdomen... it hurt, but subsided quickly.

I was still fully dressed from the night before. I thought about showering and changing, but finding my partner seemed to be more important to me.

I wandered the hallways for some time. Nobody seemed to be in sight. I made my way to the kitchen to make a pot of coffee. Jerick wasn't in the dining room at all.

He surely wasn't anywhere that I'd have any knowledge of.

I shrugged it off, in hopes that he was just busy working on something. Nobody else seemed to be around, either. That's the part that made me nervous. The fact that nobody else from the pack was in sight was unnerving.

The mansion was completely silent. It was an eerie feeling not hearing the howling laughter in the distance of the pack, or the fact that I wasn't in the arms of my boyfriend.

I missed him. I really did miss him. It makes me sound clingy, I know, but anyone knows of his presence when he walks into a room. It's like a big ball of light and energy that just shows up, and gains the interest of the people instantly.

I checked my phone once more. It was 11:30p.m. now, and the coffee was done brewing for me. I sat at the table, with the lights off still.

Since I can't have actual food and beverages other than blood, the coffee tasted nasty as usual, but it still did its job and woke me up.

The doorbell rang suddenly, making me jump practically out of my skin. Then I thought, why the hell would the doorbell be ringing at this time of night? It rang again, with the haunting sound carrying throughout the entire manor. Nobody came from the dark corridor to check.

I gathered up all my pent up courage and quietly staggered to the front door, very careful not to make any sounds. I reached the door, waiting for another ring from the doorbell, or at least a knock.

There was nothing this time. Only the sound of the eerie shifting of the breeze under the door. The moonlight beamed directly down at the tinted windows beside the door, illuminating the corridor in front of the stairwell.

My hand rested on the cold handle for a moment. I sighed, thinking whether I should or shouldn't open the door. To be honest, it could have been Jerick trying to get in, but the door could be locked.

It made sense. The thought of him being on the other side made my heart swell. I opened the door, expecting my man to be on the other side.

He wasn't. I scanned the area around the porch, then looked down. There was a cream colored envelope sitting perfectly in place below my feet.

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