Chapter Three

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Chapter Three

I woke up on the floor, in Jerick's bulky arms. His body was warm. Like, impossibly warm. HE WAS A LIVING FURNACE. I could have stayed on his chest and in his arms forever if I really wanted to

Jerick was sound asleep still. The combination of his chest lightly rising and compressing, along with the unnatural body heat put me at ease.

I'm not gonna lie, I actually loved the feeling. He shifted slightly, and lifted his eyelids. We made eye contact for a brief moment, before I stood up, completely forgetting the sharp pains in my arm. I looked down, seeing a makeshift splint on my arm.

"Did you do this"? I asked out of curiosity, staring at its primitive features. Rugged, but impressive.

He sat up, ruffling his dirty blonde hair with his hand. He yawned lightly, "Yes... well, no. I had someone from the pack do it... Cheyanne".

I was impressed with the splint. "She did a good job on this". I nodded with my classic optimism.

"Why, thank you"! an unfamiliar voice chirped from behind me.

I jumped a little, making Jerick laugh, when a small woman walked up between Jerick and I. She reminded me of an old friend from high school.

"I actually just came to check on my little patient, but then I heard you two talking. Anyway, my name is Cheyanne".

I let a small, but cautious smile spread across my lips. She reciprocated the same cautious smile back at me, before turning to Jerick.

"Jerick"... she said in a more concerned but curious tone. "Why are you shirtless"?

Him, nor I said anything. We only blushed, letting out tiny muffled giggles.

Cheyanne switched between our expressions and sighed. "I don't even have to ask. I could smell Jerick all over you".

I went pale, rather immediately. "Oh — I'm sor—

"Don't be". She interrupted while laughing. "I don't know why you're laughing. I think it's cute that the two of you were cuddling up on each other".

Jerick and I looked at each other and blushed at the same time.

Cheyanne sighed and continued, "Listen, I don't mind. The others, on the other hand, might have a problem. Especially Bram".

I shivered when I heard that name. I hated him so fucking much. He's literally the Voldemort of this situation. I closed my eyes when she said the man's name.

Jerick must have noticed, as he interrupted. "The man abused Xander for no reason, Chey"... I could sense the pain from his memory.

He continued, holding it back as much as he could. "I couldn't stand it... I— felt what Xander felt. It hurt. He's been through so much...". His neck strained as he trailed off.

Cheyanne looked puzzled, and looked at us both with empathy, but her face lit up after.

"I know"... she sighed. "I can smell your guys' connection. It's definitely a strong one. Try to be discreet about what you two do, though. By the way, how's your arm, sweetheart"?

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