Chapter Two

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This chapter may or may not contain some violence. I don't necessarily have control over the writing. The story writes for itself, as I'm just the messenger that conveys what the story wants to say to y'all...



Chapter Two

I was awoken when a bucket of cold, dirty ass water was dumped on my head, causing me to shriek rather quickly.

"What the fuck was that for?!" I shrieked in immediate anger, shivering under my cold breaths. I wasn't in the forest anymore. It was a dark room that I couldn't recognize. It smelled of mildew and waterlogged furniture.

A slight chuckle that came from the dark corner of the room made my ears perk.

The large figure paced its way over in front of me, and placed his hand on my shoulder, rather roughly, causing me to jerk away in surprise.


"You're a naïve little creature," the voice said in its normal raspy tone.

"Creature?" I said with complete ignorance. "Why the hell are you calling me a creature? I'm completely human!"

"Do you really think I'm that dense? I could smell it right off of you. You aren't a human at all," the man spat impatiently.

I noticed I was tied to a chair before lookin back up at him. I grew increasingly impatient. "I have no idea what you're talking about, and let me out of this chair, or else!"

"Or else what?" he said while letting out a grim laugh. "You're the weakest vampire I've encountered. You couldn't possibly do anything to me that would cause harm."


He cocked his head sideways in curiosity, but then ultimately folded his arms, scowling at me.

"Don't even try to play dumb with me," he sighed. "I know you're a vampire. The whole pack could smell it off of you. Werewolf senses are superb."

"Pack? Werewolf?" I said, about while laughing. "Do you really think I'm dumb enough to believe in that shit? I mean, you're a poor excuse for a werewolf if that's the case."

His eyes immediately flared into anger and malice. I instantly regretted what I'd said to him.

He raised his hand to me, making me instantly cower and flinch in fear. The shadow that was over my face had dropped. He was holding back.

"Don't you ever disrespect me like that again!" he said in a threatening, but monotone voice. "You're lucky I'm allowing you to live right now."

"S— sorry..." I choked out, trying to hold back a slight tear in my eye.

It was still dark outside, though the wind had picked up again, sending a slight howl into the small window adjacent to me.

"So... you're really a werewolf?" I said reluctantly.

The man studied me for a moment, causing some slight concern and discomfort.

Falling, Fallen  (BoyXBoy) ✓ [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now