4 - Museums aren't for Nerds

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After the night I had last night, I wanted to just lay in bed forever. I was just exhausted. I wanted to sleep for days. Unfortunately, that had to wait. I needed to get some food into my system and some knowledge into my mind. I needed to find out who that person was at the base. I knew that my searching might lead to something bad, but there was something about that guy that made me need to know who he was. Maybe it was the fact that he too was infiltrating the base. Or it was the fact that that guy had managed to slip by me. Probably not that last one though, it's not that hard to get the jump on me. 

But first, I need to get a start on the morning. Looking at the clock, the numbers 1:52 PM flashing red. Guess I slept in more than usual. It's afternoon already. I don't blame myself though, after the night I just had, I would sleep a couple more days. Throwing the covers off my body, I trudge into the bathroom. I turn on the bath tap, making sure the water was more hot than cold. I can't take baths unless the water was hot enough to burn off my top layer of skin. It made me feel clean, what can I say? After cleaning off my makeup from the night before, I took my bath and mentally prepared for the day before me. 

Okay. Step One. Find out who that guy was. I don't know how I'm going to do it, but I will somehow. Whether its through a simple Google search or hacking into the pentagon's data files. I will find out who this blue and red man is. 

I only have one problem. I don't know what he looks like. Even if I find a picture of him without his suit, I wouldn't know if it was him or not. So I have to start with the suit. I get out of the bath, throwing on a robe before walking out into the bedroom and picking out an outfit for the day. I rummage around, picking out a pair of jeans and black tank top. Something simple. I'm not going out today anyways. I grab my laptop before sitting back on my bed. Time to research.

I start off with a simple search, man in red and blue suit. Obviously, that doesn't give me much. Mainly just stock photos of guys wearing horrible America themed tuxes. Maybe he was a well known hero? I change the first word to superhero in red and blue suit before something comes up. Captain America - "leader of the Avengers" and "World War II veteran". It can't be him, if he was a World War 2 veteran, he would be in his 80's or 90's. The guy was definitely not in that age range. I scroll down the page, finding pictures of a guy wearing a suit identical to the one the guy was wearing last night. 

I just committed elder abuse. Adult Protective Services better come pick me up now. 

One thing can't get out of my mind though. How is he still alive? Maybe he's immortal. Or something like that.

I go down the search list before finding an article that says "New Exhibit at New York Museum - Captain America and the Howling Commandos". Hm. Maybe I should go check it out. It could be something to learn more about this guy and to find his weaknesses. Just in case this guy and I cross paths again and he wants to actually hurt me this time. I don't know if he will, but I like to be prepared. I read the article to find a date when the exhibit opens, revealing that it was already open. Perfect. 

My mind wanders back to the other guy I met last night. Sam. He was pretty cool. I wonder if he's busy. I shoot him a quick text to see if he would want to come with me to the museum today. Hey, its Emily.

Not long after sending it, I get a response back. Hey, what's up girl?

E - Nothing much, you busy at the moment?

S - No! Just got off work, what's up?

E - I wanna go to the Captain America exhibit, wanna come?

S - Hell yea! Shoot me an address and I'll come pick you up!

I give him my address before finishing up getting ready. Throwing on a pair of shoes, I get a text from Sam saying that he's downstairs. I grab my bag, rushing downstairs and busting into Sam's car. "Sammy boy!" I say, smiling widely at him. 

"Someone's happy to see me. I just saw you last night!" He says, smiling back at me. 

"That's a long time for someone who doesn't have any friends like me." I say, looking out the window at the passing buildings. 

"Well cut that shit. You have me now. Plus soon you'll meet the guys and you'll have all three of us. Plus, you'd like Steve. He's super chill." I smile at his comment before he begins to ramble about his day at work. Soon, we pulled into the parking lot of the Museum where the exhibit was located. We went in, Sam flashing some card before we both went into the back of the building. I give him a weird look before he smiles at me. "I'm an veteran. Plus, they know me around here." Grabbing my hand, he pulls me into the exhibit. 

It's like I'm in research heaven. I see suits all around me, some of them looking pretty old. I read the labels, some dating back to the second world war. Well, makes sense. He IS from the war. But one was from 2014. "Why is this one from 2014?" I say, looking over at Sam. Maybe he knows something. 

"He was put in the ice." I give him a confused look before he chuckles. "You see, he was given a serum that made him a super soldier. He was used to take down criminal organizations back during the war. Once his mission was complete, he was placed in a cryogenic freeze. He was let out back in 2014 when the big war was happening here." I give him another confused look before he smiles. "When Loki invaded?" I really didn't know anything about this war. If it happened in 2014...that was when I was so in depth with my work that I didn't pay attention to anything that didn't happen out of the office.  I give him a nod before he smiles and wanders off to another part of the exhibit. That makes sense. If he was put into the freeze, he would come out the same age that he went in as. That makes it possible for him to be this man. Captain America was the man from last night. 

Now that I know about him, I have time to prepare for the next time I run into him.





Hey guys!

Hope you all had a great holiday! 

QOTD: Who's your favorite hero from the MCU offshoots? (Venom, Deadpool, etc?) I LOVE Venom!! 

I put the song Empty Gold by Halsey up at the top!

Love and hugs,


Rebel // Captain AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now