chapter one

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Tara Atrio hated attention, so as she stood with her family on Platform 9 3/4 with everyone giving her glances as they walked by, she felt incredibly uncomfortable. There were people everywhere saying goodbye to their families and waving from the train, causing the station to fill with incredible noise of chatter.

She had been dreading this day ever since her letter arrived, and now, as she stood here, her stomach was curling in on itself. She couldn't help but think she wouldn't be able to make friends. She had never been good at putting herself out there. 

She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned around to see her mother crouching down in front of her, a gentle smile gracing her face.

"I can see you're worried, sweetie. What's wrong?" her mother said. Tara opted for keeping her thoughts of loneliness to herself and instead focused on another thing that had been bothering her.

"What if I'm not in Slytherin?"

"Then we'll force you to eat spinach and mushrooms every day for the rest of your life." Her father said, a big grin on his face. "Don't worry, honey. We don't mind what house you're in. In fairness, it would actually be rather cool to have another house associated with our family. With that we could prove we're not mean old Slytherins. So really, you'd be doing us a favour." he ruffled her hair before turning back to her twin brother, Roman, who was also attending school this year.

"Your father's right, sweetie. The sorting hat will put you where you belong, and we have no issue with you belonging somewhere that isn't Slytherin." Her mother said reassuringly, smiling at her daughter who looked very lost.

She nodded as the train whistle could be heard, making the people still on the platform begin to rush. The Atrio's included.

"My friends just got on; I'm going to go catch up with them. Do you want to come along?" Roman asked. Tara was grateful for his offer and might have gone with him if it weren't for his friends. They were extremely intimidating, and she didn't like them very much, so she shook her head. Roman nodded. "See you at Hogwarts then." He said before hugging his parents goodbye and walking onto the train.

"You've got to get on the train before it leaves, sweetie." Her mother said, standing up and placing a hand on her back. "Roman will be there the entire time and you can always send us letters; everything will be fine." Tara nodded but was not convinced. Yet, she said goodbye, hugged her parents tightly, and walked onto the train, all the while holding back tears.

She noticed immediately as she walked through the train, that most of the compartments were full. This was something she had not anticipated as she was hoping to sit alone. She knew only her brother on this entire train and that though stuck with her as she dreaded the year to come. Luck, it seemed, was on her side because she finally found an empty compartment and sat down by the window, relief flooding through her. The train's whistle went of once more and the train began to pull out of the station.

The reality of the situation started to settle as she looked out at the moving landscape. She was going to Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry, alone, without a single friend or any special magical skills. She was getting quite distressed and couldn't help but think of the worst-case scenarios, but before she could worry anymore the compartment door opened suddenly. In the doorway stood a boy with the most striking features she had ever seen. The boy had dark curly hair and dark skin. His eyes were a most striking pale blue and were a stark contrast to his skin. The boy was smiling, and his eyes were twinkling. Before she could think about why he was here or get nervous about it, the boy spoke, looking incredibly happy.

"Hello! Do you mind I sit here?" He asked in the most enthusiastic voice she had ever heard anyone use asking such a simple question. "Everywhere else is full," he continued.

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