chapter twenty one

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Thank you so much for 8k!!!! I cant believe it! Never thought i would have so many readers!

Long chapter ahead btw :)

During the Feast she noticed Amycus Carrow, the one who had shot the Cruciatus Curse at her the year before was to be Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher. She was slightly shocked that the Ministry would allow Death Eaters as professors although she knew from her parents warning that they would be employed at Hogwarts. Professor Snape was also rather intimidating now that he had much more power than previous years. He had always scared her slightly and his dislike for her hadn't helped, but now he was much worse. He had not delivered a speech and just sat there looking menacing. The decor was dark and the whole aura was different. Bad times were coming and everyone knew it.

That night the girls in her dorm all had a conversation together and it was one of the first times they had done so. They talked about what was going to happen and how things had changed. One of the girls had Muggle Studies and was worried because she would have to be in both Alecto and Amycus Carrows' class. They were known Death Eaters and they wondered how it had been permitted for them to teach.


It was her first class of the year and it was Potions. Snape and Slughorn taught half the class each. Snape taught the Slytherins and Hufflepuffs while Slughorn taught the Gryffindors and Ravenclaws. She was extremely disappointed with that information, nevertheless she sat down with Draco who she was glad she shared the class with and they got to work. Snape did not acknowledge her or insult her so she counted that as a win.

Her first Defence Against the Dark Arts class was not until Wednesday and when that day came crawling she was filled with dread. She hoped to God nothing would happen, but she had heard it was a horrible class and that the teacher was terrifying. 

She walked in with her dorm mates as they had met in the hallway on their way here and had actually been civil toward each other. She was glad she wouldn't have to walk in alone. Pierre also had Defense and she counted herself lucky he was there as well. She sat beside Daisy and they waited for class to start.

"So far, you have had no proper teaching in this class and I will change that immediately. This is a Dark Arts class and as far as I know, there has been no Dark Arts taught." came a voice from the front of the class where a short man with a lopsided face stood. 

"There has hardly been any practical education and that is not acceptable. Are any of you capable of casting the Cruciatus Curse, because it's not just to say the words, oh no, you have to  mean them."  His voice was dark and what he was insinuating was terrifying.

"I guessed not. In this class that is the type of teaching we will do. I want you all to accept that practicing The Dark Arts are is an important factor in your education. Therefore I want you all to read up on Fiendfyre page 163, and later we will be doing it in practice." He was walking up and down the aisles of desks and it was rather unnerving. She kept her gaze on the desk in front of her. 

They all got their books out and started reading about Fiendfyre. It turns out Fiendfyre was one of the scariest curses she had heard about. It took form of fire creatures like dragons and it would destroy anything it came into contact with. There was no information on the counter curse and she was wondering how they would extinguish the fire they were supposed to conjure. It seemed quite dangerous and she wondered how they would do it in practice without damaging something. 

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