chapter fifteen

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Harry lowered his wand and stared at the damage he had done. I rushed over to Draco's bloody body lying on the floor and tried to keep my wits. Tears were gathering in my eyes and that made it difficult to see what I was doing. His shirt had blood seeping through it in what looked like slash marks. I didn't dare open his shirt to see the damage. I knew I couldn't do anything. I tried all the healing spells I knew, but they did nothing.

"Harry, what have you done!" I sobbed into my hands, as I sat beside Dracos body, completely in shock. Before Harry could answer someone came rushing into the bathroom. It was Professor Snape. He really scared me and along with that he hated me, but right now I didn't care. He was muttering healing spells and Draco's wounds started to heal, at least the blood stopped seeping out and instead started going back into the body.

Snape glanced at my tear streaked face before looking at Harry. "Potter, my office at six."

Before I could do anything else Snape had levitated Dracos body and was leaving the bathroom, so I hurriedly dried my tears and rushed after them. I caught up to them and walked beside Draco's body, glancing at Snape at regular intervals, but he never looked back at me.

Once we got to the hospital wing Draco was placed in Madam Pomfrey's care and I was instructed to leave. No visitors allowed until tomorrow morning. I felt my heart sink and the tears come back. I can't believe that had happened. I had never seen so much blood in my life and Draco's face had looked so ghost like.

I decided to find Roman and talk to him, I needed someone to be around now, so I made my way to the Slytherin Common room. I had been in there a couple of times, and Roman made sure I knew the password, just in case I had to contact him, so getting into the common room was no biggie, avoiding the prying Slytherins was more of an issue. Firstly, I was scared I would bump into Theodore, secondly, I was worried someone might call me out and demand I leave, thirdly, I was concerned about the fact I had been crying and looked like a maniac. All in all I was hoping the common room was empty. 

Once the portrait opened and I stepped in I took a deep breath and dried my eyes for fresh tears and walked in like I owned the place. That was the key around here, act like you know what you're doing, and no one will question you. At least that's what my dad always told me.

I must have failed because not a second later someone had exclaimed. "Hey, what're you doing in here! How'd you get in?" I looked over without stopping at the fourth year that had asked and he had gotten up from his seat. Everyone was watching now, but I didn't have time to worry about that because I sprinted up to the dorms and practically burst into Romans dorm.

At the slam of the door closing behind me the two people in the room's head shot up. Roman immediately got up and walked over to me, concern and worry visible on his face.

"Tara, what's going on?" 

"Harry....he-he- hurt Draco." I couldn't stop the tears from escaping as I launched myself at my brother.

"What?" Blaise Zabini, who was the second person in the room also got up from his place on his bed and walked over. "What happened?"

"There was so much blood."

"Tara, what happened, tell us what happened from the start." Roman was nervous. His sister had just burst in, crying about his friend who got hurt. Who wouldn't be.

"We were talking, and Harry came in. He was pointing his wand at us, or at Draco, and was accusing Draco of things. I tried to reason with Harry, but he wouldn't listen. He shot this spell at him and big cuts appeared on his chest with so much blood. Then Snape came and took him to the Hospital Wing. They said I had to leave, so I came here." I wiped my tears and removed myself from Roman arms, slightly coming to the realization that it was quite rude to burst in like that, and that Draco was probably being healed at this very moment.

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