chapter five

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He starts walking again and I follow him, but because of his long legs I have to run between steps. After a while he must notice because he slows down.

"So, what do you like to do, new friend?" He asked giving me a quick glance before he looks ahead again.

"I guess I like to paint" I say glancing down at my hands and turning my head to look at him with a smile on my face. He smiles down at me. Reserved I add "I also like to r-read and I like listening to music." I hesitate before I ask the next question. "Wha...what about you?" I doubt he heard the last part because I said it so quietly, but to my surprise he answers.

I see him smile out of the corner of my eye "I also quite like reading and I also like playing Quidditch" I just realize that I have no idea what to say back. What do I say to that? I never have conversations with new people. I guess I could ask him what position he plays?

Luckily I didn't have to think about that anymore because he asks me another question.

"If you don't mind me asking, who do you like to listen to? The Weird Sisters?" Draco looks at me, curiosity hidden in his eyes.

I start to wonder if I should tell him. I know he wont like what I'll say, but I don't want to lie. I hate lying.

"It's a-" I hesitate wondering If I maybe should just lie. I'm not great at lying though. I twitch my mouth back to the left in an unsure way. "A m-muggle artist" I quickly swallow and look down again.

"You didn't have to hesitate. I wont attack you for liking something muggle related".

Before I can even comprehend what he just said, we arrive at the library.

Draco walks to a table at the back and I follow him. On the way he grabs a book of the shelf and continues to walk to the table. Again I follow. He sits down and I hesitate before sitting down as far away as possible. Draco sets the book down on the table and moves his entire body so it's facing me. Not having expecting this I take in a quick breath and tense up. He looks at me curiously before asking.

"Why does no one know who you are?"

"What?" I breath out. Confused at his question.

"No one talks to you in the halls, you have one friend, I've never heard about you much and you hardly say anything." He tilts his head slightly to the side.

"Oh, I'm not entirely sure." I don't really feel comfortable telling Draco Malfoy my darkest secrets and worries so I don't say anything. The fact that he notices those things about me makes my heart flutter slightly.

Luckily he is a perceptive person and doesn't ask anymore.


Draco and I had been in the library for quite some time. He had suggested I get a book to read if I wanted to stay. Not wanting to be rude I got a book called The History of Magic. It was my favorite book growing up and still was. During the hour or so we had been sitting there reading in silence I had folded my legs up under my body and pulled up my hood and pulled the strings so it swallowed my head. The library was cold.

Beside me I noticed Draco moving. He was looking at me and it was after a few seconds that I realized how silly I must look. I felt so embarrassed and could feel my face getting red. I hurriedly pulled of my hood and put my book down.

Draco Malfoy was grinning at me and he looked incredibly cute. His hair was not gelled back and was instead falling over his forehead into his eyes.

"We'd best be getting back. People will be coming back from Hogsmeade now." He said getting up and putting his book back. I followed his lead after nodding and put my book back as well.

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