chapter eighteen

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She had never had a close relationship to Professor Dumbledore. She had never talked to him, but he had been the one to expel Theodore in the end and for that she was grateful. His death was a shock to everyone. The funeral was unreal and numbing and she knew that everyone knew bad times were coming. There was a rumor that Draco was there when he died and she didn't doubt it. But she knew that was the extent of it. Draco would never kill anyone. Not even Dumbledore.

Draco didn't return after that night. It had been a week and she had just received a letter of the strictest confidence according to the sender.

Dearest Tara

I'm so sorry you had to get involved in this and I sincerely hope you are okay. If you are feeling any discomfort, however little it may be, please go see Madam Pomfrey, she might be able to help you if it still hurts. I'm sorry I wasn't able to get to you in time to stop Carrow from hurting you. 

I wont be returning this year and I'm not sure about next year either. So much is happening and I'm not sure what to do. Please be careful and take care of yourself. Do not under any circumstances answer this letter, if they find out I've sent you something I fear for my life.

I love you Tara


He loved her? She never though someone would love her in that way and she was dying to send an answer back, but would never risk his life for it. The year was over in a few weeks and she hoped he would return the following school year.

His letter was very quick and down to the point and his handwriting wasn't as neat as usual. Tara didn't know exactly what was going on, although she knew at this point that he was involved with You-Know-Who. His concern for her well being was heartwarming but she had no intention of going to Madam Pomfrey. Her body only hurt slightly if she was careful. It only hurt if she put to much pressure anywhere on her skin, like if she was to lean against a wall it might hurt slightly.

It had been weird without him here always at her side and she missed him tremendously. She was back to being alone most of the time although Roman still did walk with her occasionally, as did Pierre. She had also found an unlikely friend when a few days after the whole event she had been walking down the halls to Herbology when two seventh year Slytherins had cornered her. She had attempted to keep calm and made sure she had good access to her wand. She was repeating the three C's in her head like a mantra. Cool, calm and collected.  

"Yes? Can I help you?" she said trying to keep the nervousness from her voice when they made no attempt to speak to her first as they were just scrutinizing her, looking down at her.

"You're the reason Nott's been expelled and we want to know what you did." The boy on the left spoke. He had mousy brown hair and was significantly taller than her. She didn't know his name but it wasn't a surprise seeing as he was in a different house. The though that they knew Nott was more concerning and she found herself hoping they didn't have the same morals as him or else she was doomed. 

"I have no idea what you are talking about. Now excuse me, I have a class to get to." she said and began to walk around the guy on the right who had extremely dark hair that almost looked black. She didn't get far as he reached out and grabbed her arm tightly, stopping her from going any further. It hurt more than the black haired boy had probably intended due to her body still hurting from the Cruciatus curse.

"What did you do?" he looked down at her, his gaze scaring her. 

"I did nothing. Now, please let go of my arm, you're hurting me." The panic was starting to set in now.

"Tell us what you did and we'll let you go." The brown haired guy spoke up and she was beginning to freak out.

"I didn't do anything, please let go!" she felt her eyes begin to swim with unshed tears as she tried to tug her arm free without success. She noticed the two guys give each other skeptical looks but they kept on asking.

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