chapter nine

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School was back to normal again and I wasn't too happy about it. There was a lot of work to be done and I really had no motivation to do it. I also hadn't spoken with Draco since the train ride and I was hoping we could hang out soon.

I was walking down the halls to lunch when I spotted him walking with Blaise Zabini. I decided then to muster up some courage, stop being a little girl and go ask him if he wanted to go to the library after classes. 

So I walked right up to them. They stopped in their tracks and Blaise Zabini seemed very confused.

"Blaise." I smiled at him and then nervously turned by attention to the blond who's attention I wanted. " Draco, I was wondering if you wanted to go to the library after classes?" I subconsciously started fiddling with my bracelets while still maintaining eye contact. I knew my face was red, but I couldn't do anything about that. I just hoped he would say yes.

"I'd love to." He smiled down at me and I didn't even try to stop the grin appearing on my face. 

"Great, see you there, then!" I said smiling up at him.

I walked away before I could become even more embarrassed. I couldn't help but feel a bit of pride for asking him when he was with someone. It wasn't such a big feat but it boosted my self confidence and made me feel like I could do anything. So walking into the great hall I had my head held high and a smile on my face.


"Mate, who was that?" Blaise asked after Tara had walked of with an air of confidence I had never seen on her.

"That was Tara. She's Atrios sister. She one of the most wonderful people I've ever known." I couldn't help but smile. I really liked her and I was glad she asked to hang out. I'd missed her and her happy vibes during my horrible Christmas.

"You're acting like you're in love or something, mate. You've got other things to focus on you know that. I'm not sure hanging out with her is going to help you stay focused." 

"I'm not in love with her" I exclaimed. Love was such a strong word.

Blaise gave me a pointed look. 

But Blaise was right about one thing. She would not help me stay focused. I didn't really care though. I was still going to hang out with her. I mightn't have another chance after all this is over. She would hate me when she finds out what I've done. 


Classes were over and I hurriedly made my way to the library. I didn't want to keep her waiting. I assumed we were going to meet where we always did and I was right. There at our table she was sitting in her Hufflepuff uniform with her hair in a loose bun, looking out the window. Her golden hair was alight from the sun shining through the glass and her eyes looked like melting honey.  She looked absolutely beautiful.

I sat down across from her and couldn't help but admire her simple beauty. Here she was just existing in these times of blooming war, and she looked content. I admired her for not giving up before anything had started. That was much more then I could say for myself.

She looked over at me and smiled her cute smile. I gave her a smile back. Those smiles were only reserved for her.

"I missed you, Draco. At Christmas." She said in a cautious voice, not looking me in the eye.

I got up and her head shot up to look at me. I moved over to sit beside her and she avoided my eyes again.

"Don't forget Tara. Chin up, or the tiara falls." I gently moved my hand under her chin to tilt it up. "I missed you too." It was an impulse decision. I lent forward and kissed her forehead. 

When I leaned back Tara was blushing tremendously, but with a smile on her face nonetheless. I didn't want to make her to uncomfortable so I moved a few inches away, in case she wanted her space, but before I could settle down she gently grabbed my hand and put them on the table. Her hands were cold. I felt my heart flutter.


After sitting in the library with Tara for a couple of hours, talking about whatever we wanted I decided to have a go at fixing the cabinet. It had to be done soon, and I was starting to get nervous. The Dark Lord had been at the Manor this Christmas. I had gotten the Mark. The dreaded Mark that would stay with me my entire life. I hoped to God Tara wouldn't get the chance to see it. If she stopped talking to me I wouldn't know what to do with myself.

I had been tinkering on the cabinet for some time now. And I was hoping it might work. So I gave it a shot. I placed the shiny green apple on the floor of the cabinet and closed the door. Once I had opened it. It was gone.

I could feel myself getting my hopes up. If it came back again, this could all be over. I wouldn't have to do this again. Then it struck me. If the apple came back, Death Eaters would enter the school and people would get hurt, maybe even die. I would have to kill Dumbledore. Tara would know. Suddenly I was dreading opening the door. If the apple was there. What would I do?

I heard a sudden wind like noise come from the cabinet. I took a deep breath and opened the door. The apple was there. It had a bite taken of it. It had worked. At least on an object. I was scared now. They couldn't know it had worked. I snatched up the apple and tossed it as far away as I could. I heard it land in a pile of junk further away. 

They couldn't know. 

At least not yet.

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