chapter twenty two

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Draco was sitting with Blaise and Roman at breakfast the next morning and was watching the door, waiting for Tara to enter. She wasn't sitting at the Hufflepuff table and he began worrying, since breakfast was practically over by now, Tara was never late for anything. He nudged Roman in the side.

"Hey, do you know where Tara is?" Draco asked, but Roman just shook his head.

Throughout the day he looked around for her in the halls but never saw her. He was waiting for Divination to end so that he could go to potions and see if she was there because they shared that class. He was worried because last time he couldn't find her something bad had happened to her. He decided that if she wasn't there he would resort to asking a teacher. 

Once the bell rang he packed up his copy of Unfogging the Future  and quickly made his way to the classroom in the dungeons. 

There were only a few Hufflpuffs there, and none of them were Tara. He did recognized a blond to be one of Tara's roommates, the one who Tara had said was the nicest, and decided to ask if she knew where Tara was. He approached her and she looked at him curious as to what he might want.

"Excuse me, have you seen Tara today?" he asked. The girl shook her head.

"No, she didn't return from her detention last night." the girl said. Draco froze. She hadn't told him anything about getting detention. 

"In what class did she get detention?" he asked and in an afterthought asked "and for what?" curious as to what Tara could have possibly done to get a detention.

"Defense against the Dark Arts. It was an unfair detention to be honest. Carrow gave it to her because she had to go to the hospital wing during class after the Fiendfyre incident". Draco suddenly became very worried. She had detention with one of the Carrows for an unfair reason and hadn't returned. He remembered how sad she had looked in the hospital wing after her arm was burnt.  His face went pale and he muttered a quick thank you to the girl. He sat down at a desk where Roman and Pansy had sat down when they entered, and waited for Snape to enter. He had to ask.

It wasn't long before a black cloak flowed behind a frowning Snape. Draco jumped up from his chair and followed him to his desk. Snape turned around the face the pale faced boy, knowing immediately what question he was going to be asked.

"Excuse me, Professor, but do you know where Tara Atrio is? I haven't seen her all day." Snape let out a sigh before looking back at the boy. 

"Miss Atrio is in the Hospital Wing." Draco's eyes widened.

"What happened?" Snape's eyes changed from the usual cold too worry and Draco noticed. Without hesitating he turned around and ran past a confused Roman and away from the classroom to the Hospital Wing. He ran in the doors and scanned the beds for Tara. There she was, lying down with the duvet drawn right up to her chin.

He ran over and sat down beside her frantically scanning her duvet covered body to see if he could notice any injuries. At the movement Tara opened her eyes and looked to see who had visited. A small smile crossed her face when she saw who it was. Draco starred at her. She looked incredibly tired with bags under her eyes and her skin looking extremely pale.

"What happened to you? Are you okay?" he knelt down beside her bed and then a though struck him "Was it Carrow?"

She looked away and swallowed harshly. She didn't want to tell him, it made her uncomfortable, but she couldn't keep it from him. That would be unfair. If the situation was reversed she would want to know what happened to Draco. So she nodded her head. Draco reached for her hand, holding it in his.

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