chapter eight

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The evening in the Room of Requirement had gone surprisingly well. Draco and Pierre were civil towards one another and that was more then I could expect from them. I'm glad they got on so well, they were two of my closest friends, and the only people in Hogwarts I felt safe with, including Roman of course. Pierre was like another brother to me, and Draco, well he was another story entirely. I didn't know what Draco and I were. I knew what I wanted us to be, but I'm not sure he feels the same. After all I am just simple ole me. I cant imagine anyone wanting to actually want to be my boyfriend.

It was now winter break. I was very exited to go home and see my parents, I hadn't seem them in a long time and missed them incredibly much. A lot has happened as well, but I have no intention of mentioning it. I just want to get it of my mind for at least two weeks.

Roman, Draco, Pierre and I were sitting in a compartment on the Hogwarts Express back to Kings Cross Station in London. We were all playing a game of explosive snaps when the compartment door opened revealing the last person I wanted to see on this earth. Theodore Nott.

Everyone stood up abruptly to confront him. Draco included although he didn't know what had happened with Theodore yet, he still defended me and that warmed my heart.  A huge grin spread across his face at the boys' reaction standing in front of me. 

"Get out of here, Nott , if you know what's best for you" Draco seethed, a sneer on his face that I couldn't quite see. The malice in his voice was mildly frightening and I wondered how Theodore didn't cower under the blond boys gaze. 

"I simply wanted to wish the Atrios a Merry Christmas is all! I hope you take your time to relax, guys." Theodore said. Roman and I made eye contact at the statement and furrowed our brows. None of us knew what that was supposed to mean. 

Before anyone could say anything else, Draco slammed the compartment door shut in his face, halting all further conversation.

After the boys had sat down, silence ensued. Theodores comment was out of the ordinary and strange. Why would he be wishing us a merry Christmas?


Christmas was a relaxing affair. The faint but looming threat of Theodore walking around the school at all times was non-existent and the rise of the Dark Lord was subdued now I was at home with my family. It was until Christmas dinner these thoughts had been lacking, but when the whole extended family sat together at dinner a certain uncle was staring at me. It was my father's friend who he had insisted was a good man and had welcomed to be our friend. We were not related, but simply family friends. It was Cornelius Nott. And he did not look happy. It was then I realized that Cornelius had a son. Theodore Nott. And it was also then I realized why Theodore had been acting so smug.

As everyone was leaving I felt a presence behind me. I turned and took a step back at the sigh of a grinning Cornelius Nott. "Theodore wishes you a merry Christmas, darling." I had to refrain from shuddering at his words. He placed a hand on my shoulder before passing by me, brushing into my side before walking out the door. I let out a breath of relief but couldn't help but feel vulnerable at the thought of Theodore and his father.  

After everyone had left I felt I could finally relax. This whole affair had slightly ruined my Christmas spirit.

I decided to talk to Roman about it seeing as he was aware of the situation.

So I set of to find him. It didn't take long seeing as Roman spent most of his time in his room.

"Roman, did you by any chance notice Cornelius Nott was at dinner?" I hesitantly asked.

Roman looked up from the book he was reading, "Yeah, I didn't know he would be here. He's quite an unnerving guy isn't he."

"Yeah, he was staring at me constantly and he wished me Merry Christmas from Theodore, it was sort of scary."

"He did? You don't think that's what Nott was talking about on the train, do you?"

I realized then what Theodore had meant with "hope you take time to relax". He wanted to unnerve me. That slimy git. 


Christmas  break was over and we were saying our goodbyes at Kings Cross like everyone else. I was looking around for Draco, hoping we could sit together since I hadn't seen him since before the break. I'd been too shy to send him an owl in case he didn't answer. That would have been utterly embarrassing. It was then that I began to wonder if he didn't want to talk with me anymore. I hadn't received a single owl from anyone all Christmas. 

"Tara are you looking for someone?" Mum's voice interrupted me from my thinking. My face immediately flamed a bright red.

"She's probably looking for Draco Malfoy, arent you Tara." Roman smirked down at me. He knew I hadn't told my parents about my new friend, but I was scared of their reaction. The Malfoys were known to be fraternizing with the Drak Lord and my parents didn't agree with that.

"Malfoy? Tara have you been seeing Lucius Malfoy's kid?" My dad said sternly. "The Dark Lord had a close relationship with the Mal- " I couldn't hear someone say he was like his parents. Everyone hated Draco because of his parents, but he was nothing like them.

"Draco isn't his parents, Dad." I interrupted.

Dad paused for a second and looked down at me, pride in his eyes. I was shocked and not expecting him to react like that. I hardly ever snapped or retaliate and when I do he looks as me like that?

"I'm proud of you, Tara, for not having any prejudice. That's more than I can say for myself. I should not have assumed he is his parents. Just because they had questionable morals during the war does not mean he has. I apologize for assuming so, but I still want you to stay safe okay?"

"Of course, dad." I smiled up at him and couldn't help but feel grateful I had such accepting and kind parents.

I gave my mum and dad a big hug each before walking into the Hogwarts Express with Roman by my side, still looking around for Draco.

Once we got on the train, we started to look for a compartment. I was hoping I could sit with Roman who was most likely going to sit with Draco. I had secretly missed him, but I was worried he would not have had the same feelings. I truly did like Draco. I didn't want to deny that. And he had been nothing but kind to me, so I saw no reason to prevent my feeling from being known. That is of course only if the feeling is mutual. I would need some sign that he likes me before I even try to let my feeling be known.

Roman stopped walking down the aisle and turned back to look at me while jerking his head to the side. Signaling we were going to sit in this compartment. I followed him in and sure enough Draco was sitting there alone looking out the window. The moment he looked at us entering the compartment I could tell he wasn't well. His skin was paler than usual and he looked tired. Immediately I started to worry. What could possibly have happened?

I sat down across from him while Roman sat beside Draco. He looked up at me and I felt myself getting nervous in case he wouldn't acknowledge me. I was used to not being noticed, but I was hoping beyond comprehension that Draco would be different and show me that the world still has good in it.

"Hello, Tara. How was your Christmas"? He said with a tired smile spreading across his face. I was so happy I could feel my mood skyrocket. But then I started to ponder his question and realized I had been nervous all Christmas due to Cornelius Nott and the looming though that Draco would not want to be around me anymore. But Draco looked tired enough, so I decided not to share that information.

"It was great! We had the best mashed potato I've had in a long time and it was so nice to see mum and dad! How was your Christmas?" 

"I'm happy for you and your mashed potato, my Christmas was just fine." his words were not convincing and he looked horrible. He really did not look great. I was getting worried for him.



Since the coronavirus is a thing my school closed down like a week ago and I'm bored to death. So I decided to continue on this story because I'm home 24/7. I do have a lot of schoolwork to do, but I'm fed up to the bone.

I'll update soon!

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