chapter two

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6th year

I was rushing down the halls from the Hufflepuff common room, my loose hair flowing behind me. My roommates had decided to not wake me up this morning and my alarm hadn't rung for some reason. I had to make it to breakfast before class, so I was in a hurry. As I arrived in the Entrance Hall, I stopped my running and took a deep breath before entering the Great Hall. I could feel my face flush slightly due to the sheer amount of people sitting there as I entered, and tried to not feel too uncomfortable as I made my way over to the Hufflepuff table.

I sat down at the edge of the Hufflepuff table alone. The only person close to a friend I had in my own house was Daisy. She was one of my dorm mates and the only one who bothered to wake me up in the mornings. Today was obviously one of those days she didn't. She would talk to me on occasion, which I was grateful for, but that didn't happen very often. 

I only had a few minuets before classes start so I hurriedly leave after shoving down a few slices of toast. Hurrying down the halls once again on my way to Charms, I realize I am later than usual. That means there will be people already in class. The though of having to enter the classroom with students in it makes me nervous. My only consolation is that Pierre is in Charms and I will have someone to sit with at least.

Pierre is the only person in this school I can call my friend. He was true to his word on the Hogwarts Express. We became best friends. Pierre, to no ones surprise, became popular at school throughout the six years we've been here. He was quite the looker after all, with his pale blue eyes and his dark skin. As I enter Charms I can see Professor Flitwick's stack of books which he uses to stand on. A few of the chairs are occupied, but not as many as I had feared. I scan the class and notice Pierre sitting in the far back corner. The thing that makes me hesitate is the girl leaning on his desk talking to him. I don't know her very well, but shes one of those girls that exudes power and confidence and thinks she's above the likes of me.

At the sight of her at my desk, looking very comfortable, I cant help but let my mind wander to worst case scenario. I know Pierre saves a seat for me in Charms, he has always done so, but maybe he wants to sit with the girl who I recognize to be from Gryffindor, his own house and one of his closer friends. I'm sure they have much more in common than we do. 

Before I can fully overthink the situation, Pierre notices me standing near the entrance of the class and beckons me over with a grin. I cautiously walk over, eyeing the Gryffindor girl who isn't looking at me. Once I reach their table Pierre pats the seat beside him and grins up at me. I sit down and dare a glance up at the girl who stopped talking once Pierre's attention went to someone else. She gives Pierre a smile, tells him goodbye and purposely ignores me as she walks of without a single glance in my direction. Hurriedly I lower my head and fix my gave to my hands fiddling with my bracelet, feeling my cheeks flame and sadness filling my chest. I should be used to it by now, people ignoring my existence, I mean, but it hurts every time.

"Hey, you!" Pierre nudges my shoulder. "Excited to see Flitwick do his awkward walk to the top of his books today?" 

"I am, actually." I grin. "Altough, yesterday was one of the best ones yet. I'm not sure he can top that in just a day."

"Ah, but you never know with Flitwick. He's a man full of surprises." Pierre says with a smirk on his face. 

"You have a point, but nothing will come close to beating the time in fifth year when he fell off on his way up. I've never seen a teacher looked more embarrassed." Pierre bursts out laughing and I can't help but do the same. Pierre had one of the most contagious laughs I had ever heard.

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