new story

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okay so ill keep this short. 

If you like the whole Draco Malfoy story concept, check out my other book about a Marriage Law, but with a twist. It's called Happy Endings and it takes place after the war with another original character. This is the synopsis:

Nova Shaw returns to Hogwarts to redo her seventh year and gets tangled up in the Marriage Law established by the Ministry of Magic. It states that everyone attending Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry above the age of 17, must be married in one years time or face a sentence in Azkabhan. Nova gets partnered with fellow Hufflepuff student Zacharias Smith, who is possibly the most cynical person she has ever had the pleasure of meeting.What happens when Zacharias is arrested for abuse and sent to Azkabhan and Nova is partnered with Draco Malfoy, who never got a partner to begin with due to the odd number of students?Its a hell of a ride, that's for sure.

So, go check it out if you would like ;)

And btw thank you guys for reading my story!

I'll see you on the flip side!

PS: I've also written a hermione garnger fan fic so check it out if you'd like ;)

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