chapter twenty six

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"Theodore." she said, swallowing harshly but refusing to let him see she was scared of him.

" I see you've become the real enemy now. How's it treating you?" she said. Theodore's eyes flashed with amusement.

"Oh, It's great fun." he said, as if this was an everyday conversation. "I get to be mean to people all day long and I can hurt whoever I like, which is exactly what I'm going to do right now." she knew now that Theodore was beyond saving. He really wasn't a good person, and the thoughts she had from the train earlier in the year had changed. A lot of things had changed.

She had to think quickly because not a second later did he open his mouth.

"Crucio!" he bellowed, pointing the wand right at her. She ducked out of the way and fired a stunning spell back at him. He dodged it with a shield and she had to hurriedly cast her own because he shot another cruciatus curse at her. She moved out of the way and shot a jinx at him. She missed by a fraction of an inch as he dodged it. She had to quickly put up a shield as he shot a another spell at her. It was a strong one and she had to make an effort to keep the shield working, at the same time getting ready to cast a new spell. She waited for his spell to stop and then, through her still existing shield charm cast the strongest disarming spell she could.

"Expelliarmus!" she shouted. It hit him right in the chest. He was pushed back by the force of the spell and landed on the floor. His wand flew out of his hand and she caught it in hers. She took a deep breath, trying to calm her erratically beating heart, but it was no use. 

Theodore groaned and stood up, looking more furious than before, probably not expecting her to be able to disarm him. She pointed her wand at him, a serious look on her face masking the fear she felt on the inside. 

"Stay right where you are." she said, voice unwavering. He stopped where he was, looking at her wand, but then smirked and continued walking slowly towards her.

"You couldn't hurt a fly, Atrio, besides, you would never have the guts to attack a defenseless person, would you?" he asked innocently, still walking slowly towards her with a smirk on his face. She refused to take a step back. He was about three meters away.

"It seemed you had no problem attacking me while I was defenseless." she said, pushing the memories away and to the back of her head as she then cast the strongest stunning spell she could, using both wands. For a split second he had a look of utter shock on his face, as if not expecting she would actually stun him, before the spells hit him right in the chest and sent him flying backwards into the wall on the far side of the hall. He fell to the ground and didn't get back up. 

She almost sank to the ground in exhaustion, both physical and mental, but knew she couldn't rest yet. She walked over to Theodore and made sure he wasn't dead, which she doubted anyways, but she wanted to be sure. She had no intention of killing him, or anyone for that matter, but it felt good to be able to defend herself against him at last.

She was standing over his body when someone ran around the corner and into the corridor she was in. Immediately she pointed her wand at the person, prepared to stun them if need be. When she registered who it was her arm fell and she ran right up to him and into his outstretched arms, burying her head into his chest. His arms wrapped around her tightly and they held each other close, glad to know the other was okay.

"Was that Nott I just saw fly into the wall over there?" Draco asked after a while, looking down at her.

"It sure was, and boy did it feel good. He definitely deserved it." she said, a small grin on her face.

"Well done!" Draco actually smiled at her. "He deserved that and so much more for what he did to you."  he said with a serious tone in his voice. She hurriedly nodded and took his hand, wanting to get away from Theodore's unconscious body and to not have to bring up the situation right now. She began walking back to where she had come from before Nott chased her, Draco in tow.

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