chapter twelve

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The next day we met up together before breakfast and decided we were going to sit together. We walked in hand in hand and sat down at the Slytherin table with Roman. He looked at our joined hands with a small frown and then looked up at his sister in confusion.

"What's going on here?" Roman asked, gesturing to our interwined hands.

"We're together, what does it look like?" Draco said, sitting down by the table, Tara following suit.

"What? Since when?"

"Last night."

There was a pause.

"I'm not quite sure I agree with this"

"To bad it's not up to you, eh" Draco was in a sassy mood this morning and was quite enjoying his friends reaction.

"Roman, we like each other. Why wouldn't you agree with it?" Tara didn't want to shoot down her brothers opinion, although she wasn't going to take much consideration too it. Letting him voice his opinion always helped.

"Well, he's Malfoy. And you're.... you. You're so...different."

"That's not really an excuse for us not being together." He looked defeated. I knew he didn't like the idea much, but I think he'd get used to it. Hopefully.

Breakfast was an easy-going affair after Roman had accepted the inevitable and they all had a pleasant conversation.


"Tara, did my eyes deceive me at breakfast or did I see Draco Malfoy kiss you in the halls before he left for classes?" Pierre was looking at me with a questionable glance as he walked into the Room of Requirement.

Tara's face went red from the thought. She had been embarrassed, but she wanted to kiss him, so she let him.

"Are you guys together!" He squealed. Tara nodded her head sheepishly.

"Does he make you happy?" Pierre looked like he wanted answers. As to why I would want to be with Draco. They still didn't get on well, but they were civil and that was all I could ask for.

"Yes." I was happy. Happier than I had been in a long time. All my Hogwarts years I'd only really had Roman and Pierre, and now I had Draco. He was so kind to me and actually wanted to be with me. It made my heart swell.

"Well, in that case, I'm happy for you, but if he ever hurts you, come to me and I'll mess him up big time."

"Pierre that won't happen, but whatever floats your boat."


It wasn't long before the whole school had found out. It was as if everyone immediately knew who she was after six years of pretending she didn't exist. It was a strange thing to adapt to.

It was a week later and she was taking a longer way to the Great Hall than she usually would. Draco took much longer time to walk from his potions classroom than she did from Transfiguration. And although, she'd had a marvelous confidence boost. Sitting alone in the Great Hall made her very uncomfortable. So taking this longer route, meant they arrived at approximately the same time.

She was walking down the corridor when a shout stopped her in her tracks.

"Hey, Atrio!" She snapped her head around to see who had called after her, and to her surprise it was Pansy Parkinson. But it wasn't Pansy who made the colour drain from her face and fear blossom in her chest. Theodore Nott was standing right beside Pansy, and he looked happy. That was never a good sign.

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