chapter twenty seven

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Turns out they did have reason to be scared. In their joy they had forgotten for a split moment Draco was Marked. Marked with the symbol of a loyal follower of Lord Voldemort. Draco along with his family had been taken into custody by the Aurors that had shown up at Hogwarts after the battle went down. They were to be kept at the Ministry until their trial. 

The trial was today.

She walked into the Ministry with Roman by her side. School had been cancelled for the rest of the year, so coming to the trial was no problem. She was terrified for Draco and what was awaiting him. She hadn't seen him for a week and she had no idea if there was anyone to help him. He was marked, no one could deny that, but he was not a follower. He was just a kid. A kid who had no choice. She hoped they would see reason.

The courtroom was dark and cold. There were dementors flying around close to the high ceiling. Luckily they were behind a barrier which kept the people in the room from feeling the sense of hopelessness their presence brought. She looked around the room to see who was here and to her surprise and relief she saw Hermione Granger and Harry Potter sitting not so far away. A spark of hope was ignited within her. The day after Draco had been taken away she had gone and talked to Harry asking if he could help. 

"Your the only person anyone will listen to, and he doesn't deserve to go to Azkaban. He's only seventeen!" she had said to a passive Harry Potter. "He had no choice, Harry, please. He helped you didn't he? In Malfoy Manor." Harry's eyes widened at that, as if surprised she knew what had happened.

 "Hermione was right under the chandelier wasn't she, but she wasn't crushed because Draco moved her. No one but him knew who you were, but he didn't give you away. You took the wands from him in less then five seconds, because Draco didn't put up a fight. He's not one of them, Harry." she said, hoping he would see reason.

"I'll see what I can do." he had said. He had not contacted her after that, so seeing him here was a big relief. She hoped he could help. 

A couple of official looking people with dark blue robes walked into the courtroom and sat down. They began to get all their stuff ready and once they were done, the court was in session. She held onto Romans sleeve the entire time, nervous and worried.

First out was Narcissa Malfoy. She was not Marked, and had according to Harry, who gave a testimony, saved him, by not giving away the fact that he was alive after Voldemort had shot the killing curse at him. For that small act of rebellion she was spared from Azkaban, but to be kept on house arrest and had a lot of restrictions placed on her wand. Lucius Malfoy was next and he looked utterly awful compraed to how she had last seen him. His hair was not groomed and she could tell he had accepted his fate. He knew he was going to Azkaban. Everyone sitting there knew. There was nothing much to be said, so he was taken away. Draco came out next and she could see how much he was trying to keep up a facade for the audience, but she could tell he was terrified. His hair was messy and he had bags under his eyes. Under the mask he held up for the people present he looked  defeated, as if he though he would be shipped of the Azkaban the second he sat down in the chair. 

Draco eyes were darting around the room, looking for someone. When he spotted her sitting there his eyes stopped moving and she held his gaze until the judge interrupted their staring. She held onto Roman's arm tighter.

"Draco Lucius Malfoy," the Chief Warlock said, starring down at Draco from his stand, " you have been accused of conspiring with Lord Voldemort to kill those of blood that is not 'pure', receiving the Dark Mark, use of the Unforgivable Curses and for the attempted murder of Albus Dumbledore. Do you have anything to say in your defense?" the judge said. Draco's gaze fixed on her for a moment and she nodded in encouragement, pointing at her wrist. His face was one of confusion for a split second before he looked down at his wrist where the bracelet she had given him still lay. 

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