chapter three

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Roman and I had continued to the library that evening. The air was tense , but we cleared it up. We always did.

Daisy didn't bother to wake me up today either and my alarm was still broken. I only woke up due to the noise my dorm mates made before leaving. 

I was on time for breakfast today and could leave earlier to class. So yesterdays problem would not repeat itself. Today my hands had paint all over them. I'd stayed up late in the common room painting. I loved painting and it was one of the few things I was really passionate about. It made me happy so I tried do to it as often as possible, to make up for my lack of happiness in my day to day life. The paint hadn't all come of, although it was no surprise since this was a frequent occurrence. 

Noticing the time I grabbed my backpack containing the books for my first three classes of the day and left the hall unnoticed. 


History of Magic and Divination had gone well. No one had talked to me as usual, but no one had ignored me either. They just hadn't come close to me so technically they didn't ignore me because I didn't say anything or do anything for them to ignore. I was having a good day. It was after Transfiguration, on my way to lunch that everything went down hill. 

Class was just over and I had just exited the room when someone bumped into me, pushing me out of the throng of students leaving the classroom. My back hit the wall and I winced slightly at the impact while at the same time dropping my backpack. As I looked up to see who had bumped into me so harshly, I felt my eyes widen and my stomach drop. I stood frozen as I watched Theordor Nott advance towards me, a smirk on his face.  I didn't react until he was right in front of me, and then it was too late.  His hands made their way to my shoulders and pushed them back into the wall.

"Oh no you don't little Hufflepuff."  He whispered as I tried to get away from him and his strange behavior.  He was unsurprisingly very strong and even as I tried to get away from the wall, I couldn't budge.

"What are you doing!?" I asked, leaning my head as far away from him as I could. He moved his face to my neck and whispered, "Having some fun." Then he was kissing me. Hard. Fear siezed my chest as I immediately began to trash around, pushing at his chest and trying to get away from him. 

"Get off me!" I tried to say, but his mouth was in the way. When he finally pulled away I was crying and was struggling to breath. "Please stop, Nott. I don't want to." I said to him as I tried to stop sobbing. He just smirked and began to kiss up my neck. 

Students were coming out of Transfiguration, but didn't give us a second glance. Theodore was so large that no-one could see me properly. It just looked like two people having a good time. 

"Let go off me!" I said as loud as possible, although my voice was trembling. Again I began to push him away, but Nott was tall and strong and he completely disregarded my attempts at stopping him. 

"Stop moving." He hissed at me, momentarily stopping his assault.

"The-Theodore, please stop. Please, I don't want to." I said directly to his face, hoping he would get the message. Surely he must see I don't want to. I'm crying my eyes out for gods sake. He ignored me and kissed me once more. He pressed his body into me, letting go off one of my shoulders to roam his hand over my body. Suddenly a horrifying thought hit me. What if he took me somewhere, away from the halls, somewhere no one could see us. At the thought I really began to panic. I began trashing harshly and I called out. "Help! Please hel-" I was cut off my Nott slapping a hand across my mouth, a seething look on his face. "Shut up, bloodtraitor." He hissed as I screamed for help again.

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