chapter six

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I couldn't help but wonder what Tara's story was. She was shy around new people, but I'd seen her walking in the halls with either her friend Pierre or her brother and she was smiling, laughing and radiating the energy of a star. Although, in the last few days she hadn't been as happy. I'd noticed she kept her eyes downcast and firmly attacked to the ground and she seemed nervous or scared. After seeing her look at Nott with such fear I couldn't help but be worried there might be a connection. Of course I still remembered when she came running to Grabbe, Goyle and myself a while ago. Grabbe had been his usual self, but I myself was unable to insult the overly distressed girl. There was something about her that made me hold my tongue. Atrio had come and she had whispered in her distressed state something about a Theodore. I'm not stupid. I know Nott did something to her, but what, I still don't know. 

Beside me Tara seemed to be much more relaxed now that Nott wasn't in her presence, but I could tell she still wasn't entirely comfortable around me. She was skeptical around me and sadly I knew why. I know I come of as scary and cruel to most people, but the though of hurting Tara or being mean to her was not something I could fathom doing. I would never do such a thing and it slightly hurt my feelings that she was scared of me. She just went along with what I said.... What if she didn't even want to be here, only came along in fear I might do something.

To my left Tara was walking quickly, keeping up with my long stride and I hurriedly slowed down my pace. She was wearing an dark green hoodie, loose blue jeans and a pair of red muggle shoes I believed to be converse.  I couldn't help but think her paint covered hands were adorable, but the most pressing though was still that she only was here out of fear. Fear of me.

"Tara?" She abruptly  turned to look up at me and stopped walking. As she looked at me she seemed to be avoiding my gaze. "Are you only coming to the library with me because you are scared I might do something to you if you don't?" At my question her cheeks flushed red and her gaze fell. I can tell immediately that there is truth to my question.

"Well, I do want to go to the library." The guilt is dripping from her voice and I can easily tell she is nervous. "But, I- I don't know you, Draco and... and I don't know what you might do." The last part of her sentence is so quiet I almost didn't hear it if I hadn't bent my head down to listen. 

Immediately I feel bad. She is scared I might do something to her, and I can't help but wonder why she thinks someone would hurt her. 

"I would never hurt you, Tara. I swear. You are a lovely person and one of my best friend's sister. You don't have to be scared of me. If you don't want to come you can leave whenever you want." 

She doesn't say anything except nod, but she keeps walking when I start to walk, so I take it she wants to come.


Monday arrives and as I sit in class with Atrio I find myself thinking about Tara. She's just so incredibly nice and selfless and I can't help but respect her for that. After our time in the library on Sunday there was a first year alone in the halls. He looked quite lost. I have to admit I would have just walked on and not payed him any mind, but as I kept walking I noticed Tara had walked away from me and gone to ask the little boy what was wrong. I waited for her to finish talking to the boy, who turns out was lost and she thanked me for waiting. It might not seem like much, but I would never have though twice about the boy and wouldn't have said thank you to anyone waiting for me. One might think of me as a brat and I suppose I am compared to Tara.

After class I follow Atrio to Potions, but I quickly realize we weren't going to the dungeons. Instead we were heading to the Greenhouses outside of the building. I don't even have to ask what we were doing, for not a minuet later Tara comes walking towards us, big smile on her face directed at her brother, but before she reaches us, she stops and looks at me. Atrio turns around, as if only now noticing I had followed him here. 

"Malfoy! What the bloody hell are you doing?" he asks, not to kindly. "Well I was under the impression we were going to Potions. In the dungeons.  Although this does look a lot like Greenhouses, so I think we might be in the wrong place. Sorry to disappoint you Atrio, but your sense of direction is atrocious". I glance at Tara and in reply to her staring at me, I giver her a little wink, to which she furiously starts blushing.  Atrio doesn't seem too impressed and glares at me, eyes narrowed into thin stilts. I wink at him as well and that seems to push him over the edge because he walks over to a grinning Tara, grabs her hand and walks in the opposite direction, I'm assuming to Tara's next class.


The next time I met Tara was when she was on her way back from meeting her brother in the library later that week. Atrio had told me that's where he went on those evenings when he just disappeared for a few hours. I wasn't stalking her. We just happened to bump into each other.

I was walking down the halls quite late in the evening on my way back from the Room of Requirement when I turned a corner and bumped into Tara, again. She jumped in surprise and I didn't miss the quick flash of fear in her eyes before she realized who it was. I was glad she wasn't as scared of me anymore because when she saw who it was, she gave a small smile and quietly whisper.

"Hi, Draco". I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. The concern for the short snippet of fear she displayed stored in the back of my mind.

"Good evening." I smirked down at her and could barely resist the urge to just hug her. She was looking adorable in her big wool jumper and fluffy socks. Her hair was in a very messy bun on top of her head, with curly strands falling around all over the place. I don't think I'd ever met such a cute person in my life. 

She blushed up at me, and I was proud that she looked me in the eyes and not at my forehead. I wanted to see her beautiful expressive eyes. 

A though struck me and I couldn't help but ask her. "You're out quite late aren't you? Curfew is in 10 minuets". She barely missed a beat before replying: "I could ask you the same thing, mister". I was shocked that she was so comfortable around me and I couldn't help the massive smirk that spread across my face. "Is that so?"

Tara's cheeks became a faint red color and she started moving her gaze to the ground, but as an impulse decision I reached out my hand and put my finger under her chin lifting it up, completely aware of her cautious watchful gaze that had moved to my hand the second I moved it in her direction. She was biting her bottom lip and I was watching her face closely.

"Chin up princess or the crown slips." I whispered. We were very close now and I was afraid I'd scare her, so I let go of her chin and took a step back, cleared my throat and offered to walk her back to her common room. She blinked at me, not moving. I stretched out my hand and she hesitantly took it in hers. 

After I had dropped her of at the kitchens I walked back to the Slytherin dorms in the dungeons. I couldn't help but feel warm inside although I was in the cold dark basement of the castle. She was more and more comfortable around me and I don't know if it scared me or made me happy.

Here you go, guys. I know its been a while, but I didn't know how to continue the story. I hope this chapter is to your satisfaction.

Thank you so much for reading!

All credit goes to J.K. Rowling!

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