chapter eleven

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"Good evening, darling" I said in a hushed whisper when Tara emerged from her common room at midnight. She was dressed in a pair of muggle sweatpants and a her favorite green hoodie.

"You ready to run through the halls?" she replied with a giddy smile. 

"I sure am, I even put on my running shoes for this." I lifted up my left leg to show her. It must've looked ridiculous and I would never do that for anyone else, but to see Tara burst into a fit of hushed giggles, was worth the silliness.

Once she had finished her mockery we set of. We started cautious at first, to make sure no one was around, then we ran once we came to a long hallway.

Whoever this Usain Bolt person she was talking about earlier this evening, must be fast, because Tara was way ahead of me in the blink of an eye. She was laughing as she ran, quietly of course, and she looked so happy, it made my heart swell until she whisper- yelled "Hurry of slow-poke or we'll get caught!" over her shoulder.

Once we reached the bottom of the staircase that lead to the Astronomy tower she stopped running and waited for me. She was breathing hard, but that was no surprise seeing as she had just sprinted across the whole castle.

"You excited to see the stars? I assure you, the view is simply spectacular."

She looked up the stairs in wonder and deep though. Her mood had entirely changed, she was still excited, I could tell, but in a much calmer and gentler way. She gently grabbed my hand and we walked up the stairs together, me leading the way.

Once we reached the top I heard an amazed gasp from behind me. Tara was looking up at the clear sky through the open observatory. The view was breathtaking. 

"Draco, this has to be one of the most beautiful things I have ever seen. It's so pretty." I lead the way over the blankets I had brought up earlier for us to sit on. We sat down, and Tara had barely taken her eyes of the sky. I didn't blame her. Unless she was here, I would be staring at the sky as well. We sat down on the blanket and just looked up, both deep in thought.

"It's so surreal to think that we are just a tiny speck of sand in the entire existence of everything.  And we are so insignificant, compared to everything out there, but our lives can hold such a great value to an individual nevertheless, It's truly mind-blowing."

Her thoughts were inspiring yet mindful. Tara truly was an amazing individual.

We were both lying down now, Tara rested her head on my stomach as if it was second nature to her, and it made me grateful that she felt comfortable enough around me to do such. We had been lying in silence for a while, I could tell Tara was thinking about something and I thought it best not to interrupt.

"There is something I want to tell you. You just have to promise not to think differently of me, okay?" She looked serious now, and when she sat up to look my in the eye, it made me nervous. She never looked so serious.

"I promise." she took a deep breath before she continued.

"You remember when I came to you, Grabbe and Goyle before lunch that day a few months ago?" I nodded. She was crying so bad that day, asking for her brothers whereabouts. I hadn't the heart to insult her in such a state and I had known she was Atrios sister, and I didn't want to get  in trouble with him. 

"Well I was looking for Roman because I needed him. I- well I, needed him to calm me down and to be there for me."

I was getting worried for what she was going to say now. I moved closer to her on the blanket to put an arm around her shoulder. She looked very distraught.

"This is very...uncomfortable to talk about...I don't really know how to say it."

I squeezed her cold hand in mine. "You don't have to tell me in the slightest. You are under to obligation to tell me, it is only if you want to. I don't want to pressure you"

"I want to tell you, I really do. Get it off my chest, you know?" I nod in response.

"Okay so what happened is that I was coming out of Transfiguration and just as I walked out the door, someone pushed me into the wall. At first I thought nothing of it. Just someone rushing out of class or something." She took a deep breath.

"Turns out it was Theodore. He... he held me against the w...wall. And he was kissing me. A-and touching me. He wouldn't stop and I was telling him to stop and pushing at him, but he didn't move and I was so scared. So scared he wouldn't stop. I thought he was going to take me somewhere.... I'd never experienced something like that before and didn't know what to do. Luckily, Harry saw what was happening and he saved me. I ran away then, and that's when I came to you and the others." Tears were running down her cheeks as she cried silently. I put my arms around her in what I hoped was comforting hug. I could feel my heart break for her and I found it difficult to contain my anger at Nott and my sadness for Tara.

She must have taken my silence as hesitation because she hurriedly went on to say, "I know I should have defended myself with my wand or shouted for someone to notice, but I was so shocked and scared, I didn't know what to do."

I pulled her in for a big hug again. "Oh, darling. Of course you were scared, anyone would be scared. It wasn't your fault whatsoever. Nott is the only one to blame and don't you dare ever think it was your fault. I can't believe you went through such a thing and still here you are, stronger than anyone I know. Nott doesn't know what is coming for him. "

I gently stroked my fingers through her soft golden hair under the moonlight, trying to calm her down. I didn't know what else to say. She had experienced something horrible and I didn't know what to say to help her. I hated watching her so sad and in despair. I knew Nott would regret ever looking at Tara in such a way once I got my hands on him. I can't believe he would do such a thing and I can't believe Tara has to walk around school and see his face. 

"You have a very pretty voice, Draco." I hadn't realized I was quietly singing until she commented on it after none of us had said anything. 

"Thank you, darling."

"Draco I just want to say thank you for listening. I know it's not what you expected was going to happen up here, and I'm sorry for sobbing like a child, but it was nice to get it all out. I appreciate it." She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. I think we both were glad it was to dark to see each other blush.

"The reason I wanted to tell you is because, remember that time you said you could kiss me?" She looked up at me while talking. 

"The reason I didn't say anything was because I was a bit uncomfortable. I known you would never do such a thing, I just was a bit uncomfortable at the time. It had nothing to do with you at all, I promise." She was looking worriedly up at me now. I can't believe she is taking my feelings into consideration, when she is the one I made uncomfortable.

"I'm so sorry for making you feel uncomfortable, but you shouldn't feel like you have to explain yourself. If you don't want to do something, tell me okay? I don't want to pressure you into anything." The look on Tara's face was one of admiration, I couldn't help but be a bit confused.

"You really are a nice person, Draco. I never imagined I could find a person like you, but here we are." She was leaning up, closer and closer. A cautious but exited look on her face.

"Can I kiss you?" She asked.


It was simply amazing. I gently picked her up by the waist and placed her in my lap. The kiss was gentle and didn't last long, but it was filled with happiness, both our lips smiling into the kiss. I didn't want her to associate our kiss with what happened before Christmas, so I tried not to let my desire for her lips go to far.

We broke apart and looked into each others eyes, both smiling.

"Do you want to be my girlfriend?" I was a bit hesitant to ask because of my social status as a Slytherin, but also as a Malfoy. No one liked a Malfoy, and I was worried it might make people dislike Tara as well.

A big giddy smile spread across her face. Even in the dark I could faintly see her cheeks go red-


We embraced in a big hug, on top of the Astronomy tower, with only the stars watching us.

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