chapter nineteen

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The summer was filled with bad news after bad news. Terrible event after terrible event. Tara was scared for her parents. They insisted on helping and were members of The Order Of The Pheonix. Luckily they hadn't been at the school that night Draco left and she was glad. At the though of Draco she felt her stomach drop. It was nearing the end of July now and she hadn't heard from him since he sent her that short letter after the incident. Dumbledore had died that night. She didn't have any words. People were saying it was Draco who killed him, but she knew he didn't. He would never do something like that. 

"Severus Snape appointed as Hogwarts Headmaster."  Roman said, reading the headline of the Daily Prophet. All Tara could imagine was the greasy Potions master dragging Draco away from her.

"Good for him."  Roman muttered as an afterthought.

"What do you mean good for him?  He isn't exactly Headmaster material is he."

"Well, he's been appointed hasn't he, so obviously he is." Roman said, a look of irritation across his face.

"You're just saying that because he's a Slytherin. I don't think he's suited. McGonagall is the deputy Headmistress so the title should in theory go to her. And besides, I saw Snape coming from the Tower when Dumbledore died, which is very suspicious."

"Tara, are you insinuating Snape had something to do with Dumbledores death! Just because you saw him there doesn't mean he was involved! There were Order members there as well you know!" He left before she could answer and she huffed at his behavior. 

She sat down at the table and started reading the article that was no doubt by Rita Skeeter.

"Morning sweetie." said a voice from behind her and she turned to smile at her mother walking from the stairs and into the kitchen where she sat.

"Good morning." She said, taking a sip from her tea. "Look, Snape's been appointed Headmaster at Hogwarts." she said, gesturing to the paper. Her mothers face changed quite abruptly from smiling to serious. She read the article hastily and hurriedly called out in a worried voice. 

"Finn!" a set of feet could be heard walking down the stair and appearing in the kitchen not long after. 

"What's wrong?"

Alice Atrio showed her husband the paper and his face went pale and he glanced worriedly at his wife, having a silent conversation.

"Guys, what's going on?" Tara asked, her parents behavior worrying her. They turned to her with serious expressions. "Get your brother, we have to talk to you guys."

She ran up the stair and went to find her brother, she assumed was in his room. His door was closed but she didn't bother knocking, she just walked in.

"Tara, you have to KNOCK!" he exclaimed from his seat at his desk.

"Something is happening. Mum and Dad have that serious look on their faces. They said to get you. Come on." She walked out the door again with a concerned Roman following her.

Down in the kitchen they all sat down, the twins on one side of the table and their parents standing with the paper in front of them.

"We're sorry to say this guys, but Hogwarts wont be the same this ye-"

"Is this all about Snape? What up with you guys? Why do you all have something against him?" Roman interrupted, looking peeved.

"It's not about Snape personally, honey, it's just that with him in charge, things will be different. We're considering not sending you actually." their mother said. " Especially you, sweetie." Her dad added while looking directly at her. She was shocked and confused. Not going to Hogwarts? She had to go. Draco might be back and she had to make sure he was okay.

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