Chapter 1

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For an incredibly busy day in Cardea, the ambiance in the village seemed merry and light. Townsfolk jostled here and there, trading and buying items from stalls posted along the walls of the town buildings. Ships honked loudly as they arrived at the port, ready to import and export their goods. Petals from opening blossom trees littered the ground pink. The smell of dumplings being fried watered the mouths of many, and one particular young girl. She bounded ahead and disappeared into the noisy crowd.


From the back of the crowd, I was trying to poke my head above the mass of people in front of me. I pushed past the townsfolk, almost knocking an old woman headfirst into a stack of grapes as I tried to search for my sister. 

Unbeknownst to my fear and worry, that little brat was busy staring dreamily at a dumpling stall. When I spotted her, I stomped towards her, ready to let my inner demon fly and tear her apart. Quickly, as if she noticed my presence, she flinched and snapped out of her drooling daze.


My loud yell turned the heads of many startled people. Gasping for breath, I grabbed the little girl by the tiny scruff of her dress and shook her hard.

"Don't go running off by yourself!" I yelled, rocking my younger sister to emphasize my anger. "You could've been kidnapped! Or this old man here could've given you a poisonous dumpling and drugged you and taken you away to be sold off!"

"Sis! Buy me dumplings! Buy me dumplings! Buy me dumplings!" she cried, looking up at me with big, brown innocent eyes.

"Hey," I growled as I watched her jump up and down with excitement. "You listening to me?"

As I glared at my little sister bounce like a bunny, I felt a cold glare burning in the back of my head. Slowly turning around, I let out a yelp as my eyes met the muddy eyes of a bald, chubby man. He stared down at me in both anger and embarrassment as he bored down on us.

"So," the old man growled, placing his hands on his hips. "You cause a ruckus in front of my store and then accuse me of selling poisonous dumplings and then shout to the world that I am about to sell off your little sister here. I suppose you want some of my dumplings then. It's one yuan for one poisonous dumpling."

I gulped and felt embarrassed tears rise to my eyes as I fumbled around, searching for the coins Mom gave me before I went out with May. "S—s—sorry, sir."

Dropping two yuans into the man's hand, he took the money and mumbled something incomprehensible before getting the dumplings ready. He handed us the freshly fried dumplings, and I thanked the man hastily before grabbing May by the scruff and dragging her off. She happily chewed away against a building as I double-checked if I had gotten everything.

"Eggs, wheat, fruit..." I mumbled to myself, mentally checking off everything.

"May let's go—" I stopped mid-sigh when I realized May wasn't beside me. I began to panic as I tried to look over the waves of people that were so condensed together, it seemed like they were attempting to form a barrier.

Over the blood pounding in my ears, I tried to listen for May's high pitched voice but soon realized I didn't have to try. I could hear her annoying piping squeak over the loud bargains sellers were yelling and the rustling of townspeople moving around as I looked over my shoulder. Quickly, I recognized a tiny girl, staring at some pieces of jewelry at a broken down stall.

"Hey!" I said angrily, pinching her cheeks when I reached her. "Didn't I just tell you not to wander off?!"

"Sis!" she squeaked, her tiny hands trying to pull my pinching fingers off her cheek. "Buy me that!"

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