Chapter 68

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Jade bit her lip and stared hesitantly at my shocked expression. "I'm sorry. I acted out of anger that day and shattered your jade into pieces. Real jade is hard to break, but yours shattered too easily."

She waited for me to respond, but I didn't say anything so she continued talking. "I couldn't do anything about it. That day, I broke them into so many small pieces, it's impossible to put them back together to their original form. So I did my best and constructed it into something else."

Jade motioned towards the pair of jade stud earrings sitting on the counter in a small blue box. I could feel Jade's eyes nervously drilling into me and shook my head. Without saying anything, I snatched the box up and dropped it into my pocket. Turning on my heel, I briskly headed for the door.


My hand rested on the door handle as I turned my head over my shoulder. Jade's hands were nervously fiddling with each other. She closed her eyes and bowed her head towards me. "I'm so sorry for everything. I—I wasn't in my right mind, and I completely acted out of character."

I stared blankly at her as her words went in one ear and out the other. All I could think about was the heavy weight of the jade earrings in my pocket. I glanced at the numerous jewelry laid among all the shelves and closed my eyes.

"Maybe it was my fault in the beginning," I muttered to myself. "For trusting such a precious item to a person just because I felt sympathy for her."


I looked back up at Jade. "Or is this just my karma?"

Jade stared at me in confusion; I gripped the door handle and swung the door open. Jade called after me desperately. "I'm sorry! I'm really sorry about everything! I—"

"Jade," I looked up to the sky and watched a group of birds fly overhead. "I wanted to offer my deepest condolences. I hope you will allow me to go pay my respects to Petal."

"Y—Yes!" she cried. "I'll lead you there now—"

"No," I turned around. "Jade. That day when I followed you after that fight, that was my mistake. I should've never went after you. From now on, let's not meet ever again."

Closing the door behind me, I walked out the shop and melted into a busy crowd of people. I spotted a quiet corner around a building and separated myself out. Leaning against the wall, I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding and placed a hand over my racing heart.

Honestly, I didn't register our conversation whatsoever. Whatever came to my mind just flew out of my mouth, but I didn't regret anything I said. While I did feel resent towards Jade for breaking my necklace, I also couldn't stand the sight of her anymore.

Seeing her reminded me of Petal, and that brought out my guilty conscience. Everything that had happened was my fault, but I still ended up hurting the other party with my words because of my selfishness. 

Letting out another sigh, I slowly dropped my hand down to my pocket and pulled out the box. Pulling the earrings out, I held them up to the sun and watched them glint brightly in the light. 

The jades had been molded into a jewel shape and was secured in a silver four-prong basket. I touched my ears and hesitated. I wanted to feel the jade against me again—I never wanted anyone else to touch them again.

But at the same time, I couldn't bring myself to place them in my ears. I'd had it as a necklace for so long, and not only had it turned into a pair of earrings, but it was done by Jade. 

I bit my lower lip and sighed.

I'd much rather have Jade scream and yell at me again when I'd entered her shop. Having her look at me with those pleading eyes and desperately trying to apologize to me made my skin crawl. 

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