Chapter 46

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A few hours had passed when Polina finally returned back to the room. I glanced up at her shaking figure as she silently sat down on the floor and stared blankly at the floor.

The remaining girls who were still awake glanced at each other with knowing glances; I stared at Polina for a moment before quietly scooting closer to her. Tilting my head, I asked, "Polina? Are you alright?"

She didn't answer so I peered closer at her and recoiled back in shock when I saw tears falling from her eyes. Speechless, I tried to come up with any sort of comfort, but all of a sudden, Polina broke out of her silent tears and began wailing out loud.

Her loud cry woke up the girls sleeping, and it caused the two new guards outside to bang on the door and yell at Polina to shut up. I cautiously put out a hand and touched her shoulder. "What happened? Did he hurt you?"

All Polina did in return was cry harder. Worry washed over me; what happened to cause Polina to be so upset? It was definitely something Lenard did. But what? She didn't look hurt—

"Hey," one of the guards outside said.

Everyone looked up from Polina to see who the guard was referring to. When I realized he was looking at me, I frowned. "What?"

"You're called up to the deck," he said.

Polina grabbed on to me suddenly. "No. No, don't go."

"What do you mean?" I asked. Polina opened her mouth, but no words came out. She looked conflicted as if she didn't know whether or not she should say what she was going to say. 

I offered a encouraging smile. "I'm going to be fine, don't worry."

I started forward again, and she tightened her grip on my arm. The guard snapped at her to let go; she gave one last look at me before dropping her head in defeat and letting me go. I walked to the door where the guards were staring at me warily.

"What?" I asked. "Didn't you call me up?"

"Don't pull anything..." one of them growled.

I rolled my eyes and nodded. Slowly, they opened the door and let me out. Two blades were immediately put to my neck as I stepped forward. Glancing up at them, I scoffed. "I won't do anything, jeez..."

"I got it from here, boys."

The three of us looked up to see Slim walking down the stairs. Relief and gratitude filled their faces while annoyance filled mines. 

"C'mon," Slim motioned towards me.

I grumbled and walked over to him where he then led me up the stairs. Although Slim sent me down as fast as he had brought me up when I was about to throw up, it felt so good to be able to walk around instead of just sitting down the whole time. 

It was incredibly misty though. I couldn't see the waters at all.

"Hey," I said as he set the floor board back in its place. "Where are you sending us?"

"Somewhere," he replied.

"Where is this place where you sell the girls?" I asked. 

"Somewhere you would never expect," he said. "Unless you connect the dots by yourself."

"What's that supposed to mean," I muttered under my breath as he led me to the front of the ship. As we neared the front, I recognized Lenard's back and realized the other men were around as well. Two long tables had been set out, and they were all happily chatting and eating when one of them noticed us and pointed at me. "Oh! There she is. Ted, Mil, look!"

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