Chapter 76

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"How unfortunate," Yuri sighed as we filed outside. "I wasn't even able to build a snowman."

"It's amazing, isn't it?" Catherine remarked, touching the snow. "I've never seen snow before, but look how white and cold it feels!"

As the two flocked around in the snow, the remaining of us watched them silently. I glanced over my shoulder at the house we were resting in just minutes ago, before Tristan came in to drag me out.

I'd tried convincing Tristan that the smarter choice would be to stay and gain as much intel before leaving, but he wouldn't hear of it. To be honest, I did feel a little bit of the overwhelmingly strange vibe the others seemed to be feeling, but I was more focused on how much information I could get from the pair of Bares. 

Turning my eyes back towards the front, I surveyed the area. Although it was dark, the moon provided us with enough light to see the place.

It wasn't snowing, but the grounds had piled up with snow up to our ankles. I had never seen snow before, but it was beautiful. The moonlight hit the snow with a glow, and it looked like a winter wonderland. In the still night, it was like looking a serene painting of a sleeping community.

It was definitely different from Cardea and Mansa where the nights were just as noisy and busy as the day.

Looking around, I realized there were some houses that were still awake as there was light coming out from the window. My eyes went to the nearest window, and I spotted a family sitting at a table with a candlelight in front of them as they chatted with each other.

"What are you looking at?"

I tore my eyes away from the window to see Tristan standing next to me. His eyes were already staring at the house I was looking at, and he smiled. "They look warm, don't they?"

"Yeah," I responded, watching mist come out from my mouth. I glanced at Tristan again out of the side of my eye and watched him stare intently at the family. "You look like you want to join them."

"Do I?" Tristan asked. "Well, wouldn't anyone choose to be in a warm house rather than in the cold out here?"

That's not what I meant, though.

"Tristan," I said. "You really won't listen to me?"

"The others decided this was the best option as well."

I scowled. "Isn't this a bit rash? In fact, haven't we been in a lot more dangerous situations where we could've left but didn't?"

Tristan didn't say anything for a second before he let out a sigh. "Maybe. But this is the final decision the group is coming to."

"But isn't it kind of strange?" I kept going even though Tristan's tone suggested that this conversation has ended. I stared at Justin's back as he watched over the two blondes draw figures in the snow. "I just can't shake off the feeling that everyone in the group came to the same conclusion just because they felt something was off. Is there not another reason behind this rushed escape that we aren't even telling Aslan and Violet that we're leaving?"

Tristan fell silent again for a longer second this time. "Then, if you're so suspicious, what's the supposedly real reason we all came to the same decision?"

I stayed quiet. The real reason? Honestly, I had no ideas as to what it could be, but now that Tristan's behavior was starting to confirm my original doubt, theories were beginning to form in my head.

"You guys be careful to not catch a cold," I heard Justin say as the two rolled around in the snow. Catherine suddenly sat up with a gasp and shook her head. Snow fell out of her hair as she stood up.

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