Chapter 6

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Time passed by slowly. I'd lost count how many days it'd been. My wound was already starting to close up and heal against my will. Maida had said something about how amazing my body healed, but I wasn't interested. I didn't get why I was healing so fast while my sister was in bed, showing no signs of improvements.

Throughout the long days I stayed inside the room, I would just sit by May and listen to her heavy breathing. I couldn't recall that well, but I think I remembered some people trying to get me to go outside and play.

I'd learned that Maida was an elderly woman who nursed the people who got injured. She was like a doctor and a mom to the people who lived here. Although she frequently came in to check up on me and May, I had a feeling she didn't really like me.

One day, I was laying next to May, sleeping lightly when I suddenly felt a movement next to me. I gasped and jumped up, but May was still lying next to me as pale-faced and still as ever. I forced myself to look away as I felt the strong urge to cry again.

Suddenly, bile rose in my throat. I wrenched myself away from May and ran into the corner of the room before throwing up. Nothing came out except for saliva and spit though. As I gagged and choked, I pushed myself away and gasped.

I sat against the wall and found myself studying the room we were in for the first time. It was a simple room. Walk into the space and you would see a girl sleeping in the middle of the room. There was a wood table on the right of May, and a small rectangular glass window on the very top of the room.

My eyes fell on top of a basket of food laying next to May's bed; my stomach growled. I didn't realize people were bringing in food. I don't even recall the last time I had food.

As I thought this, I had the urge to throw up again and stumbled towards the door. As soon as I cracked the door open, I cringed away from the sunlight. My head hurt from the unnatural sunlight beaming down on me, but the air was cool and fresh which made me want to go out.

I tried again and peered outside. My vision slowly adjusted after a few blinks. The sight before me left me breathless.

It was like we were living in a hollow mountain except there was no top. If you looked up, you would see towering walls of rock that cooconed the place like a wrap. The sky was still visible though the large opening in the mountain.

Everything else looked like a normal village.

There were pink and yellow flowers blooming in farms and vines that wrapped themselves around some of the many straw houses that were built here. The villages were arranged so that there were five in a row. At the very center stood the largest stone house where there was also a long stone table with chairs pushed into it.

Children were playing in the farms, splatting mud on their friends as older kids and adults hustled around doing chores such as cooking and helping fold the clothes.

The thing that caught my eye, though, was a blossom tree that stood tall and proud next to the house we were in. Although it had not bloomed yet though, the majestic tree took my breath away. I reached out and touched its closed buds. The branch seemed to wave its greeting towards me as I dropped my hand.

Unsteadily, I walked out on trembling legs. Not wanting to be seen by people, I walked to the back of the stone house May and I were in and rested my back against the house. I spotted a vine running down the back of the stones and picked a pretty pink flower growing along the walls.

"What do we have here?"

I whirled around to see three familiar people.

"Miss!" Yuri sang, tackling me in a hug.

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