Chapter 59

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Drip. Drip. Drip.

I wrung the warm towel in my hands over the well, making sure it was dry enough before folding it carefully in my bandaged hands and walking back into the back room.

"Will you stop breathing so hard on my neck!"

I glanced warily over at Catherine and Gray who were huddled around a wooden table. Catherine was showing and explaining new ointments she had discovered so far with Gray looming closely over her shoulder.

"I see..." Gray narrowed his eyes at Catherine's ointment. "What about that cream? What does that help with?"

Sighing, I turned my attention away and walked over to the back of the room where Justin laid. I set the towel on his forehead and sat on the edge of his bed, brushing his stray strands of hair out of his face.

He had yet to wake up and didn't look like he was going to wake up anytime soon. Although Justin's bleeding had stopped, Catherine didn't look very convinced herself when she told me that he would be alright.

It's been three days.

Three sleepless nights. 

"Don't touch that!" I heard Catherine hiss. 

"What a strange mixture," Gray mused to himself, ignoring Catherine. "Where'd you learn this?"

It turns out Gray had similar interests in medicine like Catherine. In the very back of the club, there was a hidden door that blended in with the dark paint in the walls. That hidden room was the room we were in right now. It resembled a nursery of some sort with many beds laid out and a study table with books and medicine scattered everywhere.

There was another door that led to a small backyard with a well to help wash off. When we first went in to lay Justin down, I found Eugene sleeping on another bunk bed and realized he was still out cold from the excessive alcohol he had been drinking. 

I glanced around over my shoulder and spotted Yuri staring at the ceiling. I called his name, but he didn't answer and continued staring blankly at the ceiling. Not only until after my fifth try of calling him did he snap out of his daze. "Hm?"

"Where's Tristan?"

"I'm not sure. He's out right now, but I think he is coming back for dinner though."

I had never seen Yuri look so depressed before. The youthful smile that once lit his cheerful face was gone, and a sorrowful blank face had now replaced it. For him to look so dejected, made him unrecognizable from the smiling boy I'd once known. 

I reached for my jade for comfort and for a second, panic shot through me when I couldn't feel it. Realizing, Jade had it, I felt a second of relief before grief struck me. 


I bit my lip and blinked furiously.

Why, why, why...

I shook my head. Just continue worrying about Justin so you don't have to think about—


A hand touched my shoulder. I turned around slowly to see Catherine, gazing at me with worried eyes. "You have to get some sleep. Eat something as well."

"I will," I said, massaging my temples.

"Don't 'I will' me," Catherine said, impatience creeping into her voice. "Do it now. You've been looking over Justin without sleeping for more than two hours."

"I said I will," I snapped.

"Then do it now!"

"Stop it!"

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