Chapter 16

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The first thing I came to was my throbbing head and my stinging hands and knees. Wincing, I propped myself up with my elbows. Where was I?

I looked around, but all I could see was darkness. I reached my hands out and felt around. My hand wrapped around something cold. Metal? I smelled my hand. Definitely metal. 

I put my hand out again and felt my hand go through the metal. I stopped. Bars?!

Panicking, I rushed up to stand but instead hit my head hard on a cold surface with a thud. Pain exploded through my head, and I clutched it as I wobbled backwards and tripped over something on the floor. Through my hazy vision, I gasped when I made out the shape of two bodies. I didn't know if they were alive or not, but I wasn't about to find out either. I gagged and scooted away from them as far as I could in the tiny cage I was in.

I sat with a pounding head, leaning it against the cold bars and tried to think. What happened? Why was I here? I squeezed my eyes tight and tried to block the coldness and dizziness of my head.

"Oh, looks like you're awake," a voice came from besides me.

My eyes shot open, and I jumped away from the sound. Squinting through the darkness, I made out a portly figure.

"Would you like some food?" the voice asked. Judging by the highness of the voice, it was most likely a woman. 

"You there?" the woman's voice came again.

I flinched. "Where am I?"

"Can't answer that question lad," the woman chuckled.

"Bailey, you better shut it before you spill something you aren't suppose to spill again," another voice came from outside the cage. This time, I definitely knew it was a man's voice. I knitted my eyebrows together; this man's voice didn't sound like the big boss I had encountered before.

"Could you please bring some light in the room?" I tried.

"Hah. If we did anything besides guard over you, our heads would be cut off by Boss," the man voice's chuckled.

"I can't believe Boss spared these two girls that tried to attack him," Bailey's voice remarked.

"You never know what he's going to do with them," the man sighed.

"Um," I interrupted. " Would you at least tell me what happened?"

"Oh? You don't remember? Not the sharpest one here eh?" Bailey's voice rumbled with amusement.

"Not like you are Bailey," the man said sarcastically. "Anyways. You ran up to try to hit our boss, but he quickly jabbed you behind the neck and you fainted. Then we dragged the three of you here."

Oh. I turned my head towards the two bodies. Those two must be Catherine and her friend then. They aren't...

My stomach began churning nauseously again, and I swallowed the bile crawling up my throat. "What is your boss going to do to us?" I asked nervously.

"Dunno, what do you think David?" Bailey didn't wait for David to respond and continued talking. "Hope you lived your life without regrets though because it could end anytime soon."

"Don't say it that scary. C'mon let's leave. We need to go out for another raid in the village..."

Bailey and David left, but I couldn't hear anymore. All I could hear was the repeating words: Hope you lived your life without regrets though because it could end anytime soon.

Lived my life without regrets? The reason why I became stronger. The reason why I agreed to take this journey. The reason why I left May. It was all to fix those regrets. There was no way I was going to die this early.

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