Chapter 42

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The four people around me went still in shock. The crying girl bent down closely towards my face and squinted.

"Your eyes look fine. Are you playing with us, Sakura?" she laughed, her hands shaking like crazy.

"I..." I paused. "I feel like someone is missing. Who is it?"

The four of them exchanged glances. The red-haired boy narrowed his eyes and looked down seriously at me. "Sakura. What's my name? What's her name? Or his?"

"I..." I winced as my brain throbbed painfully. "I don't know."

"What's your sister's name?" he asked urgently.

"How could I forget my sister?" I frowned. "May."

"And do you remember why you're on this journey and who you're trying to defeat?" the girl asked again.

"Yeah. Overthrowing the king and taking Mom back. Afterwards though, I have to go check with Elder to see if May's back from her coma," the words in my mouth tumbled out clumsily and blandly. 

"So you remember who you're traveling with right?" the blond boy pressed closer and was looking at me with pleading eyes.

Something struck in my mind like a candle but before I could try to lock on to what I was thinking, a wind gusted by and blew the flame away, leaving my mind blank. I tilted my head to a side and asked, "I'm traveling by myself, right?"

The red haired boy's serious expression collapsed into anger and pain. The girl suddenly started to cry again while the blond haired boy stared wide-eyed at me. The boy with golden hair scooted towards me and placed a hand on my back. He pushed me up into a sitting position and lightly pressed my head on his chest.

A nostalgic feeling ran through me suddenly. I remembered this warm feeling...but it wasn't the same. It was a different feeling, a different chest, a different smell, a different person.

"Seriously, Sakura," the red-haired boy pushed his long hair back. "Stop playing with us right now. We still need to find—"

"I'm not playing," I rose an eyebrow. "I don't even know who you are."

A silence descended among the group. The blond girl placed a hand on his shoulder. "She...she doesn't look like she's lying."

"Do you remember somebody named Justin?" the ebony haired boy tried.

I jumped. Pulling away, I looked up at the boy. "How do you know him?"

"Dreams? Wait—do you remember him? Justin, that's his name," the boy suddenly became tense and urgent. The other three surrounding me seemed to stop breathing as they stared wide-eyed at me.

"He...he left me in my dreams," I said softly. "Is he real? I think I know him."

"We have to find him," the ebony haired boy suddenly said after another moment of silence. "Maybe he can bring her out of her shock."

"One person will have to look after her," the red haired boy nodded at the pretty girl. "Catherine, will you?"

"Of course. Find him fast," the girl nodded and wiped away her tears. 

The three boys got up simultaneously and ran off. I stared blankly as each of them disappeared different ways. 

What in the world just happened? These four strangers just appeared out of nowhere and asked me so many questions before dashing off to find the boy in my dreams...

"Sakura..." she suddenly whispered.

I turned my head towards her at the sound of my name.

She looked pleadingly at me with beautiful azure eyes. "I'm in a nightmare right now right? When I wake up, everyone will be the same. Everyone will be together. And you'll remember us right?"

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