Chapter 25

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I've been waken up rudely in many ways before but never have I ever had someone suddenly drop me from a tree in a net full of sleeping people. Let me tell you—it hurt like a mother—

"Ouch!" I yelped as I felt Catherine's elbow hit the side of my head. "Calm down, Cat!"

"Wha—" she gasped, trying to rein in her bearings.

Quickly I rubbed my eyes from any drowsiness and looked up to see Curt and Jake with a whole group of boys standing behind them without a hint of sympathy.

"What's going on?" Tristan demanded, his eyes clear with alertness.

"We're feeding you breakfast before kicking you out," Curt replied. "A little thanks right now would be nice."

"Yay," Justin muttered unenthusiastically, clearly awake as well. "Are you still gonna tie us up like dogs?"

"Obviously," Curt replied back just as enthusiastic as Justin.

They threw the net off us and ran behind to tie our hands together. Forming a circle around us, they led us to the open field again where we were served soup. They made us sit like we did last night, our backs touching each other in a circle. When they untied our bonds, they handed us a bowl of soup. 

Drinking my fill, I felt my stomach begin to calm down. The sore spots created from being coped up in the net were really hitting me now that the adrenaline from later was disappearing. 

I looked up at the sky and squinted my eyes at the bright sky. It was extremely hot today, even though it was windy like crazy here—

"Curt," a boy came up to us.

"What is it?" Curt asked.

"Have you seen Hayden?" the boy asked.

Curt shook his head. "Why?"

The boy frowned. " I went to his cabin to tell him that breakfast was ready, but he wasn't there."

Curt put his bowl of soup down. He looked at the ground for a while, leaning on a stump before glancing at us. "We'll head to the sea before we escort them out."

He edged his head towards us when he said them. The boy nodded and went away. Curt pushed himself off the stump and walked over to us.

"Seems like you guys all finished so—"

"Can I have seconds?" Justin munched.


Tristan snickered; I rolled my eyes. Justin was such a jokester at times. Jake ordered the boy surrounding us to encircle us. They didn't tie our hands this time, but I had a feeling if one of us broke rank, they wouldn't treat us as gently.

As we headed out the gates, they took us down a narrow path that headed downwards. The only thing that surrounded us were the thick trees that blocked any chance of seeing anything through the forest.

Thoughts began to swirl my brain. What now? They were escorting us out so how would we be able to get back in? They already—

My thoughts stopped all of a sudden. For as we treaded down further, I began to hear waves and loud birds squawking. I swiveled my head to the right and gasped. The trees had thinned and I could see where we were headed. 

The sea.

The view was beautiful. We were standing on dirt right now, but if I walked further towards the ocean, the dirt ebbed away into sand. There were a few palm trees that waved happily as a breeze blew by. It tousled my hair high and immediately sent my nerves wild.

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