Chapter 10

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I woke up the next morning, feeling refreshed and ready for the day to start. Maida came bustling in before I could open the door and began fussing over my wound. She gave me back my clothes to wear, this time washed and clean. I thanked her profusely, and she responded with a smile.

"I'll bring breakfast to you," Maida said, packing up her stuff quickly.

"Ah, no. It's okay," I said shaking my head. "I want to go outside today."

Maida gawked at me in surprise at my sudden change in attitude. She watched me get up and exit the house as she sat frozen on the ground, shocked as ever. Stepping out of the house, I yawned and stretched leisurely. I hurried down the path towards the fragrant smell of food floating from the breakfast table. I noticed a huge crowd surrounding at the entrance of the hideout and felt my curiosity rise but decided that would have to wait as my stomach growled loudly at me. 

Tearing my eyes away from the entrance of the hideout, my eyes landed on a familiar figure, serving breakfast to people sitting at the table.

"One bowl sir," I said, sitting right next to Ramon who was pouring soup into a bowl for a little girl.

"Oh well if it isn't for the red-eyed girl," Ramon joked, giving the bowl to the child.

I winced at the nickname. 

Ramon sighed. "Even though it won't be as lively as before, at least I'll have you to keep my company. You'll be our new child taker. Can't do anything with my old bones now..."

"Eh?" I tilted my head. "Why won't it be as lively?"

Ramon stared at me with a confused expression on his face as he began filling a bowl for me. "What? You don't know?"

"Don't know what?" I asked.

"The three boys left this morning," Ramon answered. "Funny, though. Always would've thought they would bring you along—"

"What?" I demanded, standing up, startling Ramon and the other people sitting at the breakfast table. "What do you mean Justin and the others left?"'

"They announced to everyone that they would be continuing their journey today," Ramon answered, looking slightly alarmed. "They left about five minutes before you woke up."

"B-but what about me?" I sputtered.

"Eh? You said you didn't want to go right?" Ramon asked, looking more confused. "Hey, girl. Stop making confusing—hey...hey!"

I pushed away from the table and ran towards the crowd of people, swarming around the entrance to the hideout. I shoved my way through the mob and pushed the vines away from my view. Stumbling over roots and trees that covered up the vines, I hit the dusty ground running at full speed. It was my first time out of the hideout; I almost stopped in surprise. 

It didn't look like we weren't in the forest anymore. Instead, when you exited the hideout, there was a long, dark tunnel waiting for you like a cave. Over my loud breaths and steps, I could hear water rushing down. 

Squeezing my eyes shut, I pushed myself to run faster. I almost tripped over myself and slowed down a little as I raced towards the exit of the cave.

"Think of it as our last good deed towards you."

I ran faster again, ignoring the numbing in my legs. Of course. They had dropped so many hints that they were going to leave, but I had not noticed. 

"I hope Miss makes a lot of close friends! They'll be the ones that keep you happy everyday!"

How many times will it take until I really started to understand how the real world works? No one will take care of you, but you, yourself. So many people have gotten hurt and taken away from me...yet what was I doing? Running away from my responsibilities. Telling myself it was all because of me yet not doing anything to change that.

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