Chapter 50

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" you think my standards are that low?" I growled.

She ignored me and scooped a handful of water up. "Don't you like him?"

"No," I frowned.

"Does your heart race when you see him?"


"When you see him with other women, do you feel weird and angry?'


"Do you feel your cheeks heat up when you see him?'


"Do you think about him constantly?"

"Not constantly, but sometimes."

"So you like him?"


Catherine gave me an exasperated look, and I returned it back. "Look, the only reason why we're close in the first place is because we both have something to get out of this. If he dies, that's problematic and vice versa."

"Heart racing, getting angry when you see him with other women, cheeks heating up..." she frowned. "Then why don't you feel the same way towards Tristan? Or Yuri? They both are on the same premise as you and Justin, right?"

"What's with this conversation anyways?" I frowned. 

"Just trying to help my boy out, even though he doesn't want to admit it either," she sighed. "Both of you are as stubborn as mules. Anyone but you two can see it as clear as day. So aware of other problems but not your own."

I snorted and closed my eyes. This conversation was just plain weird. Well, it is true that I don't feel weird around Yuri and Tristan, so why do I only feel strange towards Justin?

Is it because I like him?

Justin's teasing demeanor and cold eyes popped up in my head. Yeah...I don't think so. Besides, I do notice that sometimes my heart pounds strangely when I see Yuri. It's not like it's just Justin.

Catherine didn't push the topic, and moments later, I heard her get out. I started to get a little light headed after some time, and when I raised my hand out of the water, my fingers were all wrinkly.

"Sakura," I heard Catherine call. "You should be getting out by now."

"Yes," I responded, stumbling slightly through the water.

"Ahh look at you," Catherine clicked her tongue. "Your face is so red and hot. Come on, let's get out."

Once I pulled myself out of the onsen, I could feel the light-headedness start to disappear. Unwrapping the wet towel around me, I headed towards the changing room to find my clothes already sitting there, dried and clean. I rubbed my wet hair until strands of them started to turn dry before putting on my clothes.

"The sun was pretty strong," Catherine said from behind me. "It dried our clothes pretty quick."

"Fall is already here isn't it?" I frowned, sliding on my clothes. "I can't believe the sun is still so strong."

"Well it rained just a week ago," Catherine said, handing me my cloak. "You smell nice."

"You too," I grinned, tying the strings around my neck.

"You know," Catherine said as we headed out the door. " Even when you don't take a bath, you still smell quite sweet. There's always the scent of nature hanging around you."

The boys were waiting for us outside when we got outside. They looked different with their hair wet and all. Tristan had let his hair down, and even though his hair was thin, he looked pretty different with red hair sprawled all over his back. Yuri's hair was as wet as a dog's fur that had just been soaked in water. 

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