Chapter 60

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As soon as I reached the club, I rushed inside and headed straight for the back. Flinging the door open, I startled Yuri, who was treating Justin, and glanced over at Catherine who was stirring broth in a pot.

When our eyes met, she dropped everything and ran towards me with her arms outstretched. She collided into me and wrapped her arms around me tightly.

"I'm sorry!" Catherine cried. "I didn't mean to nag! I'm sorry I didn't realize how stressed you were!"

I felt a lump rise in my throat and shook my head, wrapping my arms around her. "No, I'm the one who should be apologizing. I was inconsiderate to rush you like that when you did so much for us already. You suffered through the same pains as we did. I'm sorry, Cat."

Catherine sniffed and vigorously wiped her tears away. I patted her head and looked over her head. "You too, Yuri. I didn't mean to storm out on you guys like that."

"It's all good now," Yuri smiled. He pointed over to the pot and said, "More importantly, can you finish up the broth? I'm hungry."

Catherine sniffed again and turned her head towards Yuri, giving him a patronizing glare before standing up suddenly. " You...all you do it eat. Keep eating and..."

I grinned, amused at how Catherine was already bouncing back to her old motherly ways despite just promising not to do so. Getting up, I volunteered to watch over the broth while Yuri and Catherine tended to Justin.

The broth had just finished and I was pouring the soup into bowls before we heard footsteps from outside the door. Turning around, we found Gray walking in with Tristan behind him. Tristan looked incredibly tired and sad, but he looked a little better and refreshed.

Gray pushed him in and complained about how needy we were before immediately heading out to the well to wash himself up. Tristan ambled over to Yuri and put his head on his shoulder. Yuri whispered him consoling words and led him to another bunkbed to lay down.

Walking over, I gave the warm bowl to Yuri, who then urged Tristan to take in some food before resting. Catherine came over and demanded that Tristan take off his shirt so that she could check if there were any wounds she could treat.

While she gave Tristan a check, Yuri and I filled ourselves up with some broth and woke up Gray so that he could have some too. We then took time to wash ourselves out at the well; Tristan and Yuri had brought Justin outside to wash his body.

In a flash, it was nighttime. We all settled into the beds and fell quiet.

I didn't have to worry about Guren though because Gray had already confirmed that they were being locked up in the town's prison. I wanted to go search for Jake and Jade, but Tristan forbid me to go and told Catherine to blow out the candlelight.

Although I wanted to find the two of them, I also wanted to go the prison. I wasn't sure if Gray was just trying to deter me from going to the prison or if I actually needed someone with me, but I didn't want to wait until tomorrow.

Despite all this though, I really didn't want to give Tristan a harder time. It wasn't his fault he popped up right when the soldier told us not to move, but right after everything had happened, Jake punched Tristan in the face, yelling at him that Petal's death was his fault.

We had tried to move Petal, but Jade wouldn't let go of her. She just held Petal in her arms for the whole time, rocking her daughter's body back and forth. There wasn't anything to say or do.

Gray had heaved Justin up on his shoulder and entered the hideout with Catherine following closely behind. I stayed behind and watched helplessly as Tristan stalked away, ignoring Yuri's calls. Jake didn't touch his sister nor his mother, but just stood there at a close distance, looking blankly at his family before he suddenly turned on his heel and ran away.

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