Chapter 3

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I felt disgusting and horrible. My head was hurting terribly, and my mouth was drier than the desert. But I could feel myself slowly coming back to my senses as everything sharpened. Opening my eyes, the first thing my eyes made out was a blurry face hovering over me.

"Sis?" a familiar voice resonated in my ears.

May? It sounded like May. What happened? Why was I feeling so woozy and disorientated?

As a wave of questions filled my mind, memories began to flood into my brain like water released from a dam. A festival. A purple eyed man.


I shot up and immediately regretted it. My body flamed up in pain and screamed at me to lie back down. My mind began to swirl out of conscious again, and I started to fall back down, but someone caught me from behind. My eyes remained closed, not wanting to open yet.

"Don't get up yet," an unfamiliar voice said. "Your body is not ready yet."

A boy's voice. Definitely didn't recognize this voice.

Something was brought to my lips, and I felt panic surge through me as I remembered the sedative that covered my nose and mouth that night. Quickly, I turned my face away, knocking it away from my lips.

"Don't worry," the voice said. "It won't harm you."

"Sis," I recognized May's voice. "It's alright."

Feeling protected by May's comforting tone, I stopped resisting. Something touched my lips again, and cold water touched my tongue. Water had never tasted so sweet in my life. It was empty before I knew it, and my face twitched for more.

"You need to rest some more," the voice rumbled.

I gripped my hands into balls of fists and shook my head. Slowly, I opened my eyes and cringed away from the sunlight immediately. I blinked a few times before my eyes adjusted to the brightness. I glanced around my surroundings to see what seemed like billions of trees surrounding us.

A forest?

Four figures blurred in front of my eyes. I rubbed my eyes and blinked a few times before the image become sharper. A worried May looked at me, her forehead wrinkled with distress. I turned my head and saw three white cloaked strangers. Panic surged through me, and I flinched away from them, blocking May from the strangers behind my outstretched arms.

"It's alright," a red-haired boy said soothingly. "We're here to help."

"Sis," May said, tugging onto my arm. "They're good people. They helped me recover and gave me food to eat."

"What—" I coughed, horrified at my strangled and raspy voice. When I spoke again, it was slightly better. By slightly better, I meant I still sounded like a frog trying to sing. "Who are you guys?"

"We're on your side," a yellow-haired boy smiled.

I kept my tone cold and guarded. "And tell me: What's this side?"

The boys exchanged looks. "Why don't we start off with introductions?"

I shifted my body to keep May guarded as one of them cleared their throat.

"My name's Tristan."

'Tristan' was a red-haired boy that was tied back in a thin ponytail. He had startling green eyes and tanned skin, like he spent a lot of his time outdoors. He was tall and lean, although his clothes defined the well-tone muscles underneath. Out of the three boys, he looked the oldest and most mature. He wore brown knee-length boots and white trousers and a black turtleneck covered in a hooded white cloak that was tied together by a red string. A sheathed sword hung from his waist, and he wore a little pouch across his stomach. Something told me those weren't some toys that we could play with.

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