Chapter 75

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We didn't speak another word afterwards. Or it was more like I didn't know what else to say. Justin was way too complex and closed off for me to understand the way he is, or maybe I just wasn't the best at reading people and being insightful.

It could've been half an hour or two hours or three, but suddenly, Justin stopped me. I glanced over my shoulder wearily and tensed when I saw the tension on his face.

"Shit," he cursed.

I blinked. "What?"

He didn't answer and began looking around wildly as if he was trying to find something. I frowned and repeated my question more urgently this time, "What?"

"Go," Justin muttered looking up at the mountain. "We have to get out of here."

I glanced up the mountain and squinted my eyes, but I didn't see anything out of the ordinary. Before I could ask him again, Justin grabbed my hand before running off the middle course of the mountain. "Justin wait—"

But then I heard it. A rumbling in the distance. Something painfully familiar was coming our way.

The ground began to shake. We had barely been able to run off of the middle course, and it was even harder now with the ground moving and the snow shifting.

I glanced up and blanched as my suspicions were confirmed. 

An avalanche. 

I looked around, but there was nothing we could hide behind to avoid getting hit by the wave of snow.

I stopped running and grabbed Justin. "Get behind me. I'm going to try and use my demon—"

"Are you crazy?" Justin looked at me as if I had grown two heads.

"We can't run anywhere and—" I yelped as I lost footing and toppled into the snow. Falling backwards into the snow, I glanced up to Justin to help me up. He grabbed my hand and was pulling me up ever so slightly when he stopped.


I whirled my head over my shoulder to see where his finger was pointing to when I suddenly felt a sharp pain jab me in the back of my neck. 

My brain numbed, and my eyelids fell, dropping me into the familiar black world of unconsciousness.


The amount of times I have lost conscious was ridiculous, but because of how frequently it happens, I wasn't that surprised when I opened my eyes to see a pair of green eyes staring back at me.

"There we go—look—"

"Move it!"

The pair of the brown eyes were replaced with a pair of blue eyes, and I quickly recognized it was Catherine. Looking past her, I realized it wasn't just us in the room.

"Wow, you must really not like me, huh?" the duke chuckled as our eyes met. I realized I was scowling and quickly wiped the frown off my face. "I mean, you are resting in my village right now—"

"Justin," I gasped, whirling towards Tristan and Catherine. "And Yuri. Where are they?"

"They're in their own rooms right now," Catherine assured me. "Both decided to take a nap because they were tired."

I exhaled in relief. So Yuri really was able to come back on his own. And Justin too—

I stopped. 

"Wait," I turned towards Tristan. "How long have I been out?"

"Only for a few hours," Tristan responded. "Justin carried you up here after claiming you fainted in shock from an oncoming avalanche."

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