Puckcedes Lives!

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Sam has had the worst day since first coming to McKinley High. Girls have been giving him evil looks and throwing things at him all day. Mostly notes that said he was an asshole and was going to hell. Others said he was a jerk and didn't deserve a girl.

Sam is trying to pay attention to his teacher but a girl in the back of the classroom is spitting spitballs at his head.

The kid next to him bumps his arm.

"What?" Sam whispers.

"Is it true you nailed that chick that slapped you in the hallway this morning? I heard she was a real freak!" The boy grins at him wickedly.

Sam narrows his eyes. "Don't talk about her like that!"

"What? I just heard that she likes it rough. If I had her-"

His inappropriate words are cut off as Sam body slams him. Finn tries to pry him off the boy but Sam is too blinded by rage. He punches the boy so much; his entire face is covered in blood.

"Sam, stop!" Finn Hudson shouts. "If you get suspended, you can't perform at Nationals with us."

A couple of football players try to help Finn get Sam to let the screaming kid go.

"Don't you ever talk about her, you filthy piece of crap!" Sam keeps swinging.

"If you get disqualified for Nationals, Mercedes will never forgive you!" Finn shouts, finally understanding his blond friend's rage.

The words penetrate Sam's angry fog. He allows himself to be pulled away from his desk-mate. He wipes his face.

The frazzled teacher sends Sam to Principal Figgins and the injured student to the nurse.

Finn follows Sam. What the hell is going on?!

Sam is breathing heavily and he looks like a giant golden caged cat. Finn doesn't know what to say so he asks the only thing that matters. "How much do you love her?"

"What?" Sam glances at Finn then at the floor.

"I asked how much do you love her. Because if it's a lot, you're going about it the wrong way."

"Did you even hear what he said about her?!" Sam stops and points back to the classroom.


"It was horrible! I hate that kid! I wish I could keep punching him." Sam hits a locker.

"That's not going to make anything better."

"Well it's better than nothing." Sam continues walking.

Finn strides after him. Sam pushes open the glass door to Figgins' office and drops into a seat. Finn sits in the other.

Principal Figgins' brown face is wrinkled in displeasure. "Samuel Evans, you cannot go around punching other students! This is a school, not a boxing ring. What if that boy decides to sue?! We cannot afford a lawsuit!"

There's a knock at the door and Mr. Shue enters.

"Come in, Will. What do you have to say for your students?!" Principal Figgins sits up in his chair.

"Mr. Shue, I didn't do anything. I just tried to help Sam." Finn defends himself.

"Thanks a lot, Finn." Sam says dryly. "I got into a fight. So what?!"

"You could be suspended, Sam." Mr. Shue points out. "You won't be able to perform at Nationals. We need you."

"Do you hear yourselves?!" Sam jumps up. "Nationals can go to hell!"

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